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My rating is 4.5 how can is send buyer request please help


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Until yesterday I couldn’t apply to buyers request as it wasn’t visible at me sometimes I checked the action on my profile. I post about yesterday and the reply of @imagination7413 helped me a lot.
In 24 hours have applied to 3 requests of buyers. What I did? I check all the time about buyers request.


Short answer: you can’t.

Longer answer: You will need to bring in your own buyers from off the platform, and hope they give you positive feedback without you asking for it, which will raise your rating average. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011292478-The-How-Tos-of-advertising-off-the-Fiverr-platform

Thanks for your response can you please tell how many more 5star reviews do i need to be eligible to sent buyer request.


It might be that your all-time average isn’t 4.5 but is showing as that rounded to 1 decimal place. eg. it might be something like 4.47 but that rounded is 4.5, but that might still stop you from sending offers to buyer requests, since it’s really under 4.5. Maybe you just need a few more orders with positive ratings.

edit: If you look at your profile with the link you gave (with up_rollout=true on the end) it says your rating is 4.5 stars avg. If you take the “?up_rollout=true” bit off the URL it says your avg rating is 4.4.


Thanks for your response can you please tell how many more 5star reviews do i need to be eligible to sent buyer request.

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Same math works for ratings/grades, you need to be in green.


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