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Need Advice on my Logo Design gig!


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Hey guys!

I’ve been on Fiverr for about 70 days now and really want some help/advice for how to improve my gigs performence, look and other stuff like that. I’ve had nearly 2k impressions, 26 clicks and 1 order however that first order was from my kind friend so in reality I’ve had no proper orders from people here on fiverr. I want any tips or recommedations for how I could make my gig perform better or just for how I could improve it overall! I’ve tried many different things already, such as updating and playing around with different keywords/tags, with changing and updating my gallery and even with changing my prices to as cheap as possible due to just how much I wanna get my gig off the ground. Any help will be much appreciated!

Thank you! (/・ω・)/

Here is the link to my gig ➡️ https://www.fiverr.com/maxwellross/design-and-create-a-professionally-illustrated-character-logo

premium full down 802560×1440 931 KB

Looks pretty good, actually.

I don’t think you are charging enough.

A $5 Gig to me says cheap, poor quality.

Unlimited revisions is an accident waiting to happen, so I’d ditch that.

I like that you have listed several upgrades and have attached decent prices to them.

Just remember, there are 10,000+ other graphic designers on Fiverr.

Each one is trying to steal that Buyer away from you.

You need to be different.

You need to find something that will steal the Buyer away from the other 10,000+ graphic designers on Fiverr.

Do you have that thing that will do that?


I would also say to totally can the free work before an order as people will just take what is free with no value coming back. Have a good portfolio of things you have made and use that to prove to me that you are the right choice. Besides, I am not even sure that giving work away free is not a breach of TOS.

I would also advise to make it clear exactly what I will get for each gig level in an image. I saw a similar gig recently (all hand drawn) where one image had three panels that showed what I would get from the Meh | Average | Super Number One Giganticor options.



Your art… it’s detailed, and for character art that’s great, but details aren’t always good for logos. That might be a part of your problem, as you’re trying to sell to the wrong market.

That was my first thought from the word Logo, but then I see this is not really a logo in the common sense of the Nike Swish or the Beyer Cross.

These are cartoon mascots. Some other kind of thing. Yes personally I feel like they are on the edge of my “explosion in a spew factory” diagnosis, but that is the style.



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