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Stupid questions as a new joiner


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Hi, This might be some stupid questions but being a new joiner this questions are bothering me until i get an answer.

i see many buyers are offering jobs by mentioning not to respond the request. here is a sample below:

“Hi… I need a Data Entry operator for my website to manage data and other tasks. If you are professional in your work inbox me directly with your portfolio. No need to respond to the request Contact me Directly.”

My questions are:

  1. Is it allowed by Fiverr policy to contact with the buyer out of the BR?
  2. If it’s allowed then what is the procedure as i didn’t found any inbox option to contact with the buyer apart from BR.

Thanks in advance for your nice support & cooperation.

Kayas Hossain

Guest jaleel212

That’s a spammer work to bother seller by this way , they just wanted to advertisment in inbox that’s why they saying to do direct pm

Guest jaleel212

As far i understand, its not allowed to cater such inbox request. Thanks a lot for your help Jaleel.

Your welcome brother


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