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Improve my gig plz


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Pro tip #1-100: Don’t sit here waiting for something to happen or someone to tell you some combination of buttons to press to “make it”. Start reading threads with high word counts (instead of high vapor count). Maybe here is a great place to start: Enough is Enough: Avoiding the Sunk Cost Fallacy - Your Fiverr Experience - Fiverr Community Forum

Just understand you will have to think as there is no secret combination of keys you can press to make success happen.



If you are indeed a professional marketer as mentioned in your gig description, I believe you don’t need help from the forum…

Since I have zero knowledge and marketing I’ll just point out two things I can somewhat help you with.
You need to hire someone to proofread and edit your gig description, and you need a better image. Seeing a low-res grainy looking image is an immediate no-no for a lot of people.


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