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Different Browsers Showing Different Gig Ranking


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Hi everyone!

Hope you’re all well and coping well with the pandemic. I’ve been trying to figure out something lately, my ranking dropped drastically and although I’m optimizing sometimes It’s good sometimes it’s super silent. It was doing good and Fiverr oftenly features me on their Discover too. So, I did some research myself. When I went into the category Graphic Design > Illustration I could see my profile on Page 1 ( Using Brave Browser)

However, when I repeat the same steps on Safari the gig is nowhere to be ranked.

Is this something that you have experienced before?

I also saw that Fiverr introduced a lot of new categories/sections in the Illustrations Gig thus making your gig fall into a very specific category of Illustrations - the options in my opinion are too broad and no I believe that a normal buyer here doesn’t necessarily know what a lot of these mean. No disrespect to anyone, but that’s what I have experienced. I also suspect that this new update to your gig has also impacted my overall gig performance.

Any help or suggestion to rise again and esp this different ranking across different browsers will be appreciated.

Thanks for your time and I wish you all a very successful career here!


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It happened to me too! I don’t know why but changes the rank each time you look for it from different browsers or computers!

I don’t know why

I think our page location is constantly changing. Even if I take the time to look for my gig using the same computer, browser and internet connection, my gig appears in different places.

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I don’t know why

I think our page location is constantly changing. Even if I take the time to look for my gig using the same computer, browser and internet connection, my gig appears in different places.

Maybe! It can be a problem with out ISP too. Still don’t understand how this networking and connection things work!

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