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Mix up gigs a bit more when browsing :)


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I find when I browse on fiverr (which is often!) I come across a lot of the same gigs over and over… I’d love to see different gigs every time I go to a category or open the website. Perhaps even a ‘shuffle’ button would be good, and help get those new gigs seen a bit more?


@beckybee It does seem to be a degree of what gigs you look at in general. Recently I was checking out some business-related gigs and the next page that’s about all the type of gig I saw there. It seems to be more based on the gigs you look at, rather than anything else. A good way to potentially shuffle them is to click into a variety of different categories, wait 24 hours and see what you get. This of course could just be me, but it seems to be strongly based on how you search on Fiverr. I do think a shuffle feature would be nice, though 🙂


Thanks guys 🙂 I’ll keep an eye out for the shuffle option… I do enjoy having a good search and seeing what new things I can find! It’s like a treasure hunt…


Yep Yep - really getting old seeing the SAME gigs over n over n over n over n over n over n over n over … etc … etc …

Well you get the idea.

It would almost make people believe fiverr is playing FAVORITES now wouldn’t it?


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