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My gig is on last page from past 30 Days


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Community people. I am very upset because my gig is on last for 30days no improvement yet. The thing that frustrated me is other gigs are shuffling but mine is on the last page with no changes.

I want to know why does this happen and how long it be like that. That day my on-time delivery (94%) and Order completion (97%) got increased still no improvement

please anyone can tell the reason and when it could be back on track?

Thank you So much


There are plenty of reasons here I guess …
Like I have seen not a stable order activity can effect your gig ranking…
Beside that Editing gig, reports or warning effects the gig ranking too


There are plenty of reasons here I guess …

Like I have seen not a stable order activity can effect your gig ranking…

Beside that Editing gig, reports or warning effects the gig ranking too

Incase I have done so many order on Nov and Dec (till 3rd) and my rating and review are stable and completely fine. I havnt edit gig for 2 months and I have no warning too. I am not sure about report

but past month one thing got happened 1 order cancelled thats it.


How do you know your order is on the last page? And what page is it on? How did you find out that it is there?

basically I searched myself and also to confirm more I asked my friend to search He also notice its on last page


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