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My first day on fiverr and my first gig


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Hey! This is my first day on fiverr and I made my first gig about logo design. If you have some advice to give me about how to sell my first gig I would be glad to hear from you. Thanks!

Regards, Gabi



One piece of advice.

DO NOT offer “unlimited revisions.”

You may have been told to do so as it will make you attractive to Buyers. What unlimited revisions does is it will attract Buyers (some) who will take advantage of your good intentions getting you to do SEVERAL revisions and not paying you any extra for all the time you put into those unlimited revisions.

Am I making my point here?

Oh, and charge more than $5.

Your skill has to be worth more than that.

Don’t be afraid to charge a higher price.

Okay. That was two pieces of advice.

You’re welcome! Oh, and welcome to Fiverr and the Forum.

Good luck.


Try to active 24 hours in fiverr.

Share your gig.

Send buyer request.

Do NOT parrot the advice of “try to be active on Fiverr 24 hours a day”.

Do YOU sleep? I would hope so. Lack of sleep can lead to mental issues.

Also, a tip to the new seller - you have just joined a category that has literally THOUSANDS of sellers and new ones joining that category daily. What makes you stand apart from them? Did you publish a portfolio of your original work?



Hey! This is my first day on fiverr and I made my first gig about logo design. If you have some advice to give me about how to sell my first gig I would be glad to hear from you. Thanks!

Regards, Gabi

Welcome to the family @gdgames0302


How can possible to be active 24 hours?

Why do you want to be active 24 hours? Why? Do you really believe this is how Fiverr works and how you get orders? Well, if you believe that myth, I have some oceanfront property in Utah to sell you.

The only way to be “active” 24 hours is to pass out in front of your computer and set an alarm to wake up every 15 minutes or so to refresh your browser to appear online. Or, you could just not sleep, lose your sanity, and then where will that leave you? Don’t even think about installing some web browser extension that will refresh your page automatically either - that will get your account banned pretty quick.

Be online when you are actually ONLINE to answer messages or work on orders. There is NO reason to be here 24 hours a day. I get the majority if not all of my orders when I am OFFLINE.



Why do you want to be active 24 hours? Why? Do you really believe this is how Fiverr works and how you get orders? Well, if you believe that myth, I have some oceanfront property in Utah to sell you.

The only way to be “active” 24 hours is to pass out in front of your computer and set an alarm to wake up every 15 minutes or so to refresh your browser to appear online. Or, you could just not sleep, lose your sanity, and then where will that leave you? Don’t even think about installing some web browser extension that will refresh your page automatically either - that will get your account banned pretty quick.

Be online when you are actually ONLINE to answer messages or work on orders. There is NO reason to be here 24 hours a day. I get the majority if not all of my orders when I am OFFLINE.


Yes, I agree with you. No one can possible to be active 24//7.

Guest tahomid_dev

Welcome this community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


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