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Hmm i am interested in your work flow? How do you get your work done?


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Well, I’ve set my workflow quite nicely I am very comfortable.
I realized it is really important for newcomers so let’s help them out a bit.
My routine is…
I wake up at 8 get a cup of coffee, listen to some

then look at my schedule.
It is very important to know where to start and what your goals are for the day so I would suggest planning your week (not perfectly but just write the basics down).
I sit on my new comfortable chair, which I can’t explain how much it helps me, then I just sketch a little to warm up my hands, after that, I look at my previous works so I can mature them a little more and get them to perfection. After some hours of work, I get to my balcony to chill my fried brain and grab a beer.

Thank you for being interested i hope you the best. 😀

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Well, my workflow is random mess because it depends on lockdown.

I am unemployed from April so this whole life style is new to me, because I have been working for everyday since high school.

If the gym is open I go to gym in the morning and work on Fiverr (if I have orders) in the afternoon.

I am 39 so that makes me Gen Y, or Millennial.

I am perplexed everyday in what do do with my life. I have enough money for food and bills barely so I want to spend a day doing nothing… but then I think I will reach old age and regret that I spent my days relaxing, enjoying, and doing nothing… I want to paint, I want to draw, i want to sketch…
So I work on something, do not complete it, and… wasted my day. I did the work, did not complete it, no results from it, no income from it, and what’s next. When I do nothing, exercise and watch TV shows, I feel happy… but if I spend life like that what will I have to represent at the end of my life…

I an constantly wondering is it too late, is today too late, is it over, is life over…

I used to plan everything, my week, my month, my job, but, there is just so much to do and…

When you realize your life is working for food, you kinda do not want to work any more. But you continue to work because - you get hungry and scared.

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Well, my workflow is random mess because it depends on lockdown.

I am unemployed from April so this whole life style is new to me, because I have been working for everyday since high school.

If the gym is open I go to gym in the morning and work on Fiverr (if I have orders) in the afternoon.

I am 39 so that makes me Gen Y, or Millennial.

I am perplexed everyday in what do do with my life. I have enough money for food and bills barely so I want to spend a day doing nothing… but then I think I will reach old age and regret that I spent my days relaxing, enjoying, and doing nothing… I want to paint, I want to draw, i want to sketch…

So I work on something, do not complete it, and… wasted my day. I did the work, did not complete it, no results from it, no income from it, and what’s next. When I do nothing, exercise and watch TV shows, I feel happy… but if I spend life like that what will I have to represent at the end of my life…

I an constantly wondering is it too late, is today too late, is it over, is life over…

I used to plan everything, my week, my month, my job, but, there is just so much to do and…

When you realize your life is working for food, you kinda do not want to work any more. But you continue to work because - you get hungry and scared.

Well, life is all about happiness. Everyone is searching for happiness, it is easy to find it but hard to maintain it. You did not waste your day, you did something. Did you sketch? that’s awesome. Save that file and the next day that you feel you did nothing go back at it. I am no one to speak to because you are way older than me, no matter the age we are in this situation together. I too feel like doing nothing all day but as soon as I sit on my tablet I can’t get out of it until I see outside my window and it is dark. You got it my friend I believe in you. I’ve seen some of your artwork THOSE are amazing. Way better than I could ever do so, please continue giving the world creativity.

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Well, life is all about happiness. Everyone is searching for happiness, it is easy to find it but hard to maintain it. You did not waste your day, you did something. Did you sketch? that’s awesome. Save that file and the next day that you feel you did nothing go back at it. I am no one to speak to because you are way older than me, no matter the age we are in this situation together. I too feel like doing nothing all day but as soon as I sit on my tablet I can’t get out of it until I see outside my window and it is dark. You got it my friend I believe in you. I’ve seen some of your artwork THOSE are amazing. Way better than I could ever do so, please continue giving the world creativity.

I’ve seen some of your artwork THOSE are amazing. Way better than I could ever do so, please continue giving the world creativity.

Thank you for this. I wish I could tell all people who are younger than me to not take my path of working every day at the day job. It did pay my bills but that is not life. You sleep, wake up, work, pay the bills, watch some tv and sleep. And if you are lucky on weekends you can do something else and every year you get 20 days free… yeeeeeeeeep no. I know that is how life works for the middle classes, but ahhhh just no.

Do what makes you happy. Do not wait for someone close to you to die out of cancer or something else life-changing to happen to someone close to you so you start appreciating day more.

At this time in the world becoming rich enough is a pure lottery.

I love Fiverr and working on Fiverr is so much fun but at the same time Fiverr is so fragile and time-sensitive that I am always on the edge. But, like you said I am inspired today so I shall draw and sketch. Let tomorrow worry about itself.

Just take one day at a time.

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Guest zespeeddesigner

Glad to read your journey, wish good luck !

For my case i’m an entrepreneur since 7 years now and my life isn’t well organized as yours, i’m principally an Executive Director and International Relations Manager at my Agency i work in the Entertainment business (Video Games, Events and Movies) and i cover the MENA Region, so everyday is kind of new day for me, but generally it starts with the indisputable cup of coffee then go to my agency check on my colleagues, local deals if everything is moving smoothly.

Then i jump to my emails and start working (Past week was the release of Cyberpunk 2077 and let me tell you that’s my schedule is huge mess right now) Between Game testing, Game covering, Media exposure and some confidential work i can’t tell you how happy i’m when 17:00 Arrives !

I usually end up by Boxing Training, video games, diner and back to Video Games.
That’s my life and my routine !

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Glad to read your journey, wish good luck !

For my case i’m an entrepreneur since 7 years now and my life isn’t well organized as yours, i’m principally an Executive Director and International Relations Manager at my Agency i work in the Entertainment business (Video Games, Events and Movies) and i cover the MENA Region, so everyday is kind of new day for me, but generally it starts with the indisputable cup of coffee then go to my agency check on my colleagues, local deals if everything is moving smoothly.

Then i jump to my emails and start working (Past week was the release of Cyberpunk 2077 and let me tell you that’s my schedule is huge mess right now) Between Game testing, Game covering, Media exposure and some confidential work i can’t tell you how happy i’m when 17:00 Arrives !

I usually end up by Boxing Training, video games, diner and back to Video Games.

That’s my life and my routine !

That is awesome i am looking on opening an agency too. Glad to hear from someone with the same ambition. I too usually end up at the gym and playing warzone with the boys.

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