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Have a look at my gig!


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Welcome To the community:D
Hey I did have a look you can try adding a video explaining your delighted services:D

As a community there are plenty of topics for a new seller for having a look:)

I don’t know where to put this this so I’m putting it here. Anyway I just wanted to know in what ways I can improve my profile, Like what info should I put in? Is it good enough or do I need to make it longer? Here is my profile:(Please critique) https://www.fiverr.com/millulri Thank you!!^V^)/

Hello everyone, I completed level 1 requirements about a month ago, and just became a level 1 seller. I’d like to share my experience with the new sellers. I joined fiverr in 2019 summer. I waited for a month, but couldn’t get any orders. So I gave up and froze my account. Then this summer, I decided to try again. This time, I started sending buyer requests, and got my first order. My first buyer was a 1.7m subscribed youtuber, which suprised and made me happy at the same time. I kept sending …
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Welcome to the Fiverr forums.

You only have 28 minutes of read-time shown in your forum profile. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (with filters applied --> forum.fiverr.com/c/Fiverr-Tips/tips-for-sellers/l/top/all?order=views). You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.)

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

Suggestions on behalf of FontHaunt: Posting about your need for Orders/Buyers? (feel free to refer to this post): If you are reading this now and you just posted or plan to post asking about more orders, your first order, no orders, how to get buyers, advice, or tips - check out these ideas. Every single day there are many posts just asking for tips on how to get orders. If you actually read the posts and answers, you’ll find that most of these people don’t have an unusual question or a specia…
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Welcome to the Fiverr forums.

You only have 28 minutes of read-time shown in your forum profile. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (with filters applied --> forum.fiverr.com/c/Fiverr-Tips/tips-for-sellers/l/top/all?order=views). You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.)

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

Suggestions on behalf of FontHaunt: Posting about your need for Orders/Buyers? (feel free to refer to this post): If you are reading this now and you just posted or plan to post asking about more orders, your first order, no orders, how to get buyers, advice, or tips - check out these ideas. Every single day there are many posts just asking for tips on how to get orders. If you actually read the posts and answers, you’ll find that most of these people don’t have an unusual question or a specia…

Thank you so much for your answer! Appreciate it! Sorry for some silly questions about first order! Reading you link, thanks!


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Questions are good. In general, it means you’re willing to learn. Also in general, though, it’s wise to attempt to search for an answer first, before asking, as otherwise you come to rely on replies that never come. (I suspect that about half of the questions asked here on the forums are never actually answered.) Unfortunately, Fiverr is somewhat difficult to navigate and the search functions are not robust.

For more resources:

As for your gig, what made you decide to go for vector work?

Making money on Fiverr is becoming more difficult these days, with so many new people joining up hoping to earn money on Fiverr quickly. Here are my thoughts on this - and, yes, it involves some work and thought before publishing a gig!
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Questions are good. In general, it means you’re willing to learn. Also in general, though, it’s wise to attempt to search for an answer first, before asking, as otherwise you come to rely on replies that never come. (I suspect that about half of the questions asked here on the forums are never actually answered.) Unfortunately, Fiverr is somewhat difficult to navigate and the search functions are not robust.

For more resources:


As for your gig, what made you decide to go for vector work?

Making money on Fiverr is becoming more difficult these days, with so many new people joining up hoping to earn money on Fiverr quickly. Here are my thoughts on this - and, yes, it involves some work and thought before publishing a gig!

I’ve always been interested in AI app. Once my friend asked me for a help with tracing the pattern of car carpet. I tried and fell in love with tracing, I’m not joking! I started working with tracing since that day.

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