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The order was canceled, but the customer USES THE VIDEO. Customer Support doesn't answer me


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It was canceled by the Customer Support, not a chargeback. Their profile is still on Fiverr.

In that case shift the focus on the fact that the buyer shouldn’t be able to do both, and present them with the fact that the buyer is using the video.

Messaging someone on CS who has no true authority over stuff and is currently possibly being overworked that you “demand” they do this and that, won’t help you get a response.

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In that case shift the focus on the fact that the buyer shouldn’t be able to do both, and present them with the fact that the buyer is using the video.

Messaging someone on CS who has no true authority over stuff and is currently possibly being overworked that you “demand” they do this and that, won’t help you get a response.

I have been on that situation before first time I started. An order was canceled and it was right to be canceled. I then asked the CS why their review still show up, and they said that it was their policy to not remove a review with a cancelation, if the said review doesn’t break Fiverr TOS.


Well spamming them won’t do you any good either.

Do you know how many requests they have to take on since this whole pandemic started?

There is no way they don’t have a protocol in place that allows them to bypass multiple messages on cases they can’t do anything about, just to save time and help other users.

Same problem had happed with me. I have sent the CS A. Video Clips B. Screen Shot. C. Buyer Requirements and what i did for him. But CS did not help me.


I have been on that situation before first time I started. An order was canceled and it was right to be canceled. I then asked the CS why their review still show up, and they said that it was their policy to not remove a review with a cancelation, if the said review doesn’t break Fiverr TOS.

Oh so there is an official policy in place then.

What makes you think they will remove the review now?


I have been on that situation before first time I started. An order was canceled and it was right to be canceled. I then asked the CS why their review still show up, and they said that it was their policy to not remove a review with a cancelation, if the said review doesn’t break Fiverr TOS.

and they said that it was their policy to not remove a review with a cancelation, if the said review doesn’t break Fiverr TOS.

Yes, Fiverr has a policy of not removing reviews. However, there’s also a policy that completed orders can’t be canceled unless terms of service were breached. Which they weren’t. So there’s that.


and they said that it was their policy to not remove a review with a cancelation, if the said review doesn’t break Fiverr TOS.

Yes, Fiverr has a policy of not removing reviews. However, there’s also a policy that completed orders can’t be canceled unless terms of service were breached. Which they weren’t. So there’s that.

For kind information, Update November -2020, Fiverr CS can remove it if we send to CS logical words.



Then again, Fiverr’s CS is totally inept atm, there should be some way to escalate things. Case in point: Inexperienced and Strange agent on Customer Service

Just read that thread and tell me they are to be trusted. These guys make a salary (paid by the seller’s work through commission and fees), don’t have to worry about stats and nightmare clients, and this is what we get. Sad state of affairs.


Oh so there is an official policy in place then.

What makes you think they will remove the review now?

Because the buyer is lying on the review.

“and the quality was not satisfactory at all even after he asked for multiple extensions”

He wanted a revision, I made it, he said “good work” and that “he will approve once he gets the source files”

And he is using the video. Those points should be enought to warrant a removal.


Then again, Fiverr’s CS is totally inept atm, there should be some way to escalate things. Case in point: Inexperienced and Strange agent on Customer Service

Just read that thread and tell me they are to be trusted. These guys make a salary (paid by the seller’s work through commission and fees), don’t have to worry about stats and nightmare clients, and this is what we get. Sad state of affairs.

don’t have to worry about stats

They most definitely have quotas to fill.


don’t have to worry about stats

They most definitely have quotas to fill.

Sure, but if filling quotas can be done by replying with pre-made robot messages or dismissive messages in broken english, that’s not a high bar to clear. I’d do a better job than most of them, maybe Fiverr should pay me instead? Sellers must reply to any message in under 24 hours, must have a minimum rating of 4.7 (over 90%!!), etc. Nothing of the sort applies to CS. If CS had visible ratings, I highly doubt they would even get a 3/5. Why are they held to a lesser standard?


That’s so bad I can imagine how much I would be pissed off after something like that. Take care I hope you will solve it, CS are not perfect sometimes but I think eventually they will help you as you need it. Maybe link that video and we will all report it?

Guest pvitalsolutions

Quite an interesting discussion. But we cant do anything. CS doesnt even hear our complaints. And if we even go rude even a slight, it will result in loss of ourselves.


Sure, but if filling quotas can be done by replying with pre-made robot messages or dismissive messages in broken english, that’s not a high bar to clear. I’d do a better job than most of them, maybe Fiverr should pay me instead? Sellers must reply to any message in under 24 hours, must have a minimum rating of 4.7 (over 90%!!), etc. Nothing of the sort applies to CS. If CS had visible ratings, I highly doubt they would even get a 3/5. Why are they held to a lesser standard?

I am asked to review every single one of my interactions with CS. So I assume that feedback is being used in some way.


I am asked to review every single one of my interactions with CS. So I assume that feedback is being used in some way.

Yeah, I’m aware of that. The question is how it’s being used. Surely it’s not to improve things, because they don’t seem to be improving. And surely it’s also not used to demote or penalize agents with an average under 4.7, otherwise they would all be out of a job by now.


Because the buyer is lying on the review.

“and the quality was not satisfactory at all even after he asked for multiple extensions”

He wanted a revision, I made it, he said “good work” and that “he will approve once he gets the source files”

And he is using the video. Those points should be enought to warrant a removal.

I see that your situation is very unfair, I would recommend tweeting them here https://■■■■■■■■■■■/FiverrSupport. They are very active on twitter and they respond fast, all you have to do is write a short calm message with your Ticket number and they will get back to you.

You can check out the Fiverr Support Twitter and see how sellers/ buyers are interacting with them, it’s much better.


i was always under the impression that;

if a buyer finalizes the order, leaves a review and then somehow cancels the order, the review still stands. so loathen should be refunded his $250, but chances are the review won’t be deleted

and once an order is cancelled and the buyer no longer has any right to use the work. it’s in the TOS, and since this was cancelled by CS, they should have specifically informed the buyer of this before cancelling

they buyer may not be happy, the buyer may be entitled to his feedback though he shouldn’t be, but the buyer is stealing loathens work, to the tune of 30 hours and $250. if the buyer is telling the truth then he does own the audio, but shouldn’t loathen be able to file a DCMA for the video? (maybe after CS has worked their magic, as par his strategy)


I don’t know what to do anymore. CS keeps marking it solved without any answer. I posted this on Twitter and Twitter team also said that it was adress and making new tickets won’t change the outcome.

I mean, I think I am right even if the buyer doesn’t use the video. But the buyer uses the video! That should be it, really simple. How is this still not solved!


I think maybe you simply have too many things that went wrong on both sides here for anyone to sort easily, with a clear cut decision.

I agree that the (non) buyer using that video despite not paying, esp. as a result of complaint that it was not geed enough, is testament to their duplicity.

But short of asking YouTube to sanction it, you have nowhere to go - at least nowhere that will not do you more damage than good.

Fiverr have washed their hands of it (for right or wrong) so my advice is move on and don’t make the same mistakes again.



(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I have answered every one of those questions like 5 times on these threads. But I want to answer this

“You choose to deliver files through a third party website/drive etc. They cannot protect your work delivered outside of their platform.”

Fiverr was bugged at that time. Neither I could see the buyers files nor could I send any delivery via Fiverr.


Fiverr was bugged at that time.

No excuse.

You choose to deliver files through a third party website/drive etc”

What more can be added? You made your bed. You delivered outside the marketplace then hit problems, what a surprise!

You stalk CS with how many messages, and insult them on the forums, then wonder why they’re not helping you? Yeah CS are swamped and have issues but honestly I think you blew any chance you had when you went around making demands on them.

It’s a few bucks and a few hours, maybe a little principle in there too, but at what point are you going to get over it and move on, or are you going to let this buyer hold you under emotional hostage till your last breath?

  • How long has this been going on now?
  • How many hours have you wasted on it?
  • What progressive stuff could you have done for your business in that same time?
  • How many new customers could you have secured through other channels in that time?
  • Have you not wasted more time and effort on this than it is worth?
  • At what point are you going to take ownership of this issue and move beyond it?

It’s a loss, moaning about it just steals more of your time and energy, making the loss even bigger.

Would it not be better to write it off and move forward?

Wow you are really worked up about this. A person stole my work and you blame me for a bug that is caused by Fiverr?

Some people really don’t want others to get what is their right… Wow.


Fiverr was bugged at that time.

No excuse.

You choose to deliver files through a third party website/drive etc”

What more can be added? You made your bed. You delivered outside the marketplace then hit problems, what a surprise!

You stalk CS with how many messages, and insult them on the forums, then wonder why they’re not helping you? Yeah CS are swamped and have issues but honestly I think you blew any chance you had when you went around making demands on them.

It’s a few bucks and a few hours, maybe a little principle in there too, but at what point are you going to get over it and move on, or are you going to let this buyer hold you under emotional hostage till your last breath?

  • How long has this been going on now?
  • How many hours have you wasted on it?
  • What progressive stuff could you have done for your business in that same time?
  • How many new customers could you have secured through other channels in that time?
  • Have you not wasted more time and effort on this than it is worth?
  • At what point are you going to take ownership of this issue and move beyond it?

It’s a loss, moaning about it just steals more of your time and energy, making the loss even bigger.

Would it not be better to write it off and move forward?

No excuse.

You choose to deliver files through a third party website/drive etc”

What more can be added? You made your bed. You delivered outside the marketplace then hit problems, what a surprise!

It is allowed by Fiverr according to this:


If the file you are delivering is too big or you are experiencing other technical limitations, you may use alternative methods to send a file (e.g., Dropbox, etc.).


No excuse.

You choose to deliver files through a third party website/drive etc”

What more can be added? You made your bed. You delivered outside the marketplace then hit problems, what a surprise!

It is allowed by Fiverr according to this:


If the file you are delivering is too big or you are experiencing other technical limitations, you may use alternative methods to send a file (e.g., Dropbox, etc.).

I mean, I also have proof. I still can’t see their files delivered on the requirements section, and the buyer provided screenshots that they did deliver there.

Literally victim blaming here.


If it was down you should have taken a screen shot.

Yeah yeah victim blaming, step up mate, take some responsibility, it’s always someone else isn’t it?

Using dropbox/google drive isn’t the issue here anyway, it could have happened the same way if it had been delivered as a Fiverr attachment. And like I siad, Fiverr allows it.

I don’t know why you’re saying “If it was down you should have taken a screen shot.” when I’m not the OP. But I deliver large files via dropbox usually (eg. > 100 MB) because it’s allowed (though I’ll deliver lower res files too usually as an attachment). Because of technical limiations (eg. one connection failure or other failure with Fiverr and it would take ages to send everything again, unlike with dropbox).

But the main point is the OP’s buyer is illegally using the OP’s work, which the OP hasn’t been paid for and support doesn’t seem to be helping.


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