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How to check credentials of buyers


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I am very new to freelancing. I requested all the experienced freelancer for guidance and most of them suggested to seriously apply through buyers’ requests.

I just want to know is there any way to check buyers’ credentials before applying through buyers’ request.


You can check their profile if they contacted you and for Fiverr that’s enough don’t try to find everything it’s not that important.

Again a key note using Fiverr information regarding buyer never connect them using a another method and that will be strictly against Fiverr terms and rules.


You can check their profile if they contacted you and for Fiverr that’s enough don’t try to find everything it’s not that important.

Again a key note using Fiverr information regarding buyer never connect them using a another method and that will be strictly against Fiverr terms and rules.

@moditha_damindu, thanks for the reply. can you please further guide where to find these “Fiverr terms and rules” that you are reffering

thanks in advance


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