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Is it normal for the 'buyers request' section to be empty always?


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Is it normal for the ‘buyers request’ section to be empty always? I was curious because before I join fiverr. The buyers request section is always full, i get buyers there often. However, now a day. Always empty, if theres one posting in buyers request, it’s no english dialect person or talking in germany or spanish?

Is this normal?

Guest lloydsolutions

Active on Fiverr and Fiverr Forum.

You will get buyer Request daily soon.

Active on Fiverr and Fiverr Forum.

This has no relevance to getting Buyer Requests.


Bro it is not normal let me explain (actually i was also stuck atlest 2 to 3 months)

Try to understand the mindsetup of fiverr, the buyers requests are linked with your gig Catagery and sub catagary,. Espevialy with sub catagery, so please do understand these catagories and subcatagories. At your gig you cant chnfe catagory but subcaragory can be changed. So you can try to change one by one subcatagory where you woill see when you change sub catagories then instantly the requests will be change .

So keep check your sub catagory then ask either it is effective or not


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