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8 sales after a week on fiverr With THOUSANDS of impressions. is it normal?


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Hi there, im Brian.

Im a new seller here on Fiverr, and my expertise is graphic designs, especially logos.
But im wondering why I get ALOT of impressions and clicks but not that many sales. I don’t complain but is it normal ?
I have been keyword searching and really taken my time to write a good description/profile

Really hope someone can take a look and give me some feedback


Kind regards


How to show off 101.

Impressions is that your gig has appeared in their search, doesnt mean much other than its popular. Look at your click and conversion rate. 1 sale a day is decent.

I think im nearly completing 1 month, and have 48,000 impressions - but more importantly, 400 clicks, and 55 gigs, so its decent enough. SO yeah is normal - depends on your competition, average sale cost, conversation rates etc - hope it keeps continuing for you bud.


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