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Feature to change the order of Gig gallery from our previous completed order. order

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Is there a way to rearrange and hide/remove our portfolio in gig gallery that comes from our previous completed gigs?

What I want to do is to arrange them so the gigs and testimonial from previous customer that I want potential customer see is showing earlier in the row. I always do my best to provide the best service but as we all know sometimes what clients want is different then our personal preference and skill set.

I think it’s so unfortunate for us seller if we can’t display our proudest work and our best work to advertise our skill just because those works are buried with some simpler and easier work that future potential customer will see/hear first. Our future potential customer would be limited to judge us seller by only our latest/recent completed project.

For gigs like logo, or drawings, it doesn’t really affect them since a picture is fast to review by future cstomer, they can just spend 30 second to see 10 or more previous work from the gallery. but not the same for video work, and especially audio work. where to judge it properly would need more time per project, we and people can’t and won’t just glimpse for a sec to look for the right person to do what they want. We’re talking about people who will spend their money to trust someone they never knew in the internet. So I think it is necessary for us seller to have the ability to leave the best impression possible in that crucial moment. Not only from the thumbnails and price, but also when they open our gigs looking/hearing/watching at our gallery.

If there is away to do that, please tell me. If not, then please make this topic delivered to our fiverr developer/management because it’s important and necessary so it will be a fair market for both buyers and sellers. It would make fiver looks even better, right?


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