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Guys How do I rank my gig?

Guest kausarhasan09

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Guest kausarhasan09

Guys can You explain How rank my gig?


Just follow this instructions, I hope your GIG will be rank.

  1. Research different sellers gig and make unique gig title and description, don’t copy paste someone else gigs title descriptions, it should be unique.

  2. Make your working projects demo images as mockup, you can download free psd from google then replace your image there . Remember image should be unique you cant be copy , its fiver rules and regulations .

  3. Seo Your images , It will help you to get ranking .

  4. Make a video for your gig. Its will increase 40% of your gig ranking according to fiver algorithms.

5.Try to promote your GIG on different social media that can improve your gig impression.Remember you cant share your gig continuously,if you do that it will be count as spamming.so be careful about this.

  1. Share your gig on Various Blog, Forum, Article sites (so to share your gig on those sites at first you write a good post so that visitors can interest to read your status and include your gig link within that post or article).

  2. Stay connected on fiver and contribute on fiver forum. It’s on of the best idea to improve your profile.


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