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I'm a new seller, but No Sales


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  • 10 months later...

Worm welcome to fiverr. 

Just follow some way to get order when you are new.:

1. Stay the more time you can. But from 11.pm to morning its very important.

2. Give 1o buyer request everyday. Its a organic way to introduce your gig to the byer , so don't miss it.

3. Made your communication skill strong & your service related skill. Because when you receive a message from buyer then you have the ability to made it order. And when you have a good skill then you can satisfied the buyer with your service. And then you can get a good feedback which help you to be trusted another buyer.

4. Promote your gig or work to the social media.

5. Have patience & continuous try . It is the key of all success in any thing that you wanted to get.

There are lots of way to get your sell. Stay with form . Here you can get awesome tips & tricks  which is shared by experienced seller. 

Be safe.

  • 2 weeks later...


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