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0 offers left today in Buyer Requests


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You’ll get the 10 offers again after around a day. You only get to send up to 10 offers per day.
It might depend on the timezone/when Fiverr thinks it’s a new day.


As @uk1000 has said, your 10 offers will reset every 24 hours.

However, you will probably find it more beneficial to focus on applying for two or three buyer requests daily - rather than to quickly respond to all 10.

In other words, really read and understand what each buyer wants, and then demonstrate that your skills and experience match what each buyer is looking for.

Don’t just copy and paste generic responses.


As @uk1000 has said, your 10 offers will reset every 24 hours.

However, you will probably find it more beneficial to focus on applying for two or three buyer requests daily - rather than to quickly respond to all 10.

In other words, really read and understand what each buyer wants, and then demonstrate that your skills and experience match what each buyer is looking for.

Don’t just copy and paste generic responses.

Hello @english_voice

Thanks for your kind response. Yeah, I experienced all the things and now everything is clear.

I only send requests to those buyers who are exact matches of my skills. I do not send generic responses.


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