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How long does it take to reach Level 2 from a beginner, in average?


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Hello all there! I’m about to reach Level 1 in a few days ahead?
For most of the cases, how long does it take to reach Level 2 from a beginner or Level 1?
I’d love to know to have the right mindset in Fiverr career
Thank you all


I’m not sure there’s a way to tell (eg. you can’t tell when a particular level 2 seller became level 2). You could create a poll and ask level 2 sellers how long it took them to become level 2 from level 0 or level 1.

The level help says you need to complete a minimum of 120 days (around 4 months) as an active seller to be level 2 (as well as all the other requirements).


I’m not sure there’s a way to tell (eg. you can’t tell when a particular level 2 seller became level 2). You could create a poll and ask level 2 sellers how long it took them to become level 2 from level 0 or level 1.

The level help says you need to complete a minimum of 120 days (around 4 months) as an active seller to be level 2 (as well as all the other requirements).

Thank you @uk1000

I’ve read Fiverr terms and conditions. Fiverr already listed what requires to reach Leve One, Two, or Top Rate. And also I’ve love to hear from the seniors how long took them to reach there, so I can set a reasonable plan and milestone.


Thank you @uk1000

I’ve read Fiverr terms and conditions. Fiverr already listed what requires to reach Leve One, Two, or Top Rate. And also I’ve love to hear from the seniors how long took them to reach there, so I can set a reasonable plan and milestone.

You could get a rough idea of when you could become level 2 by looking at your monthly earnings and calculating when you’ll probably reach $2,000.


It is going to be different for everyone.

I can tell you about my experience if it is going to help you in any way.

It took me a bit less than 5 months from New Seller to Level One, and it took me exactly 10 months from Level One to Level Two (it took so long to hit 2k in revenue).

Now, I am sure that most sellers go from Level One to Level Two faster than I did. Until I became a Level Two Seller, Fiverr was very much my third income stream. My prices were very low, and I would only take in a few orders per week, and then put my gig on ‘Out of Office Mode’ as to not interfere too much with my main revenue streams.

I did take my Fiverr career seriously, though. I treated it like I would any other business venture, and that is why I got orders even though I did not spend much time on it.

I will fulfill all the requirements to become nominated for Top Rated Seller either this month or the next (it will be cutting it very close this month). This is 13 months after I became a Level Two Seller, so you can see that my revenue has gone up quite a bit after I increased my prices, and I stopped activating “Out of Office Mode” all the time.


Thank you @uk1000

I’ve read Fiverr terms and conditions. Fiverr already listed what requires to reach Leve One, Two, or Top Rate. And also I’ve love to hear from the seniors how long took them to reach there, so I can set a reasonable plan and milestone.

My guess is you could become a level 2 seller in around 2.44 years time from now. That’s if orders continued at the same rate (averaged over time since being here). Though if you’re a level 1 seller maybe you could get more orders/earn more faster than when you were level 0 (eg. more access to buyer requests or it could allow you to set higher prices).


It took me one year to go from level 0 to level 2, seven months to level 1 and 5 months from level 1 to level 2. That is after I started being active.
Yeah, you can start a poll, it will be better than a post, as @uk1000 suggested.


You could get a rough idea of when you could become level 2 by looking at your monthly earnings and calculating when you’ll probably reach $2,000.

Yes, and I think earning is the most important and difficult factor out of the requirements.


It is going to be different for everyone.

I can tell you about my experience if it is going to help you in any way.

It took me a bit less than 5 months from New Seller to Level One, and it took me exactly 10 months from Level One to Level Two (it took so long to hit 2k in revenue).

Now, I am sure that most sellers go from Level One to Level Two faster than I did. Until I became a Level Two Seller, Fiverr was very much my third income stream. My prices were very low, and I would only take in a few orders per week, and then put my gig on ‘Out of Office Mode’ as to not interfere too much with my main revenue streams.

I did take my Fiverr career seriously, though. I treated it like I would any other business venture, and that is why I got orders even though I did not spend much time on it.

I will fulfill all the requirements to become nominated for Top Rated Seller either this month or the next (it will be cutting it very close this month). This is 13 months after I became a Level Two Seller, so you can see that my revenue has gone up quite a bit after I increased my prices, and I stopped activating “Out of Office Mode” all the time.

Hi @vibronx, Thanks for sharing your experiences.

That will be really helpful to me, so I can have a brighter vision in my own career.

I started Fiverr from Feb 2020, but seriously spent time from April.

Now I’m very close to Level One.

So I guess next year maybe my next target to reach Level Two.

Hope you reach Top Rated soon.

Thank you


It took me one year to go from level 0 to level 2, seven months to level 1 and 5 months from level 1 to level 2. That is after I started being active.

Yeah, you can start a poll, it will be better than a post, as @uk1000 suggested.

Thank you @audioboon

I haven’t known that we could do a poll here before, now I knew. And your journey is impressive. I think one year was faster than many sellers.



My guess is you could become a level 2 seller in around 2.44 years time from now. That’s if orders continued at the same rate (averaged over time since being here). Though if you’re a level 1 seller maybe you could get more orders/earn more faster than when you were level 0 (eg. more access to buyer requests or it could allow you to set higher prices).

I hope I can shorten my milestone to reach Level 2, I’m setting new goal maximum in the middle of next year, since I started Fiverr from February this year and just a few days ahead to reach Level One.

And like other sellers, hope to get more orders when level up.

Thank you so much @uk1000


I hope I can shorten my milestone to reach Level 2, I’m setting new goal maximum in the middle of next year, since I started Fiverr from February this year and just a few days ahead to reach Level One.

And like other sellers, hope to get more orders when level up.

Thank you so much @uk1000

Its a good thing to want to reach higher levels, it can have more advantages like the right to ask for higher rates. But note that it doesnt mean that if you reach the higher levels, all the problems will be solved.

In my case, I reached level 2 and everything stopped, complete silence for 4 months appart from few regular clients.

My point is that you need to concetrate on other stuff much more, like trying to understand how the algorithm works or how to do marketing research, how to get clients, how to keep clients, how to improve your offer etc.


I’m not sure there’s a way to tell (eg. you can’t tell when a particular level 2 seller became level 2). You could create a poll and ask level 2 sellers how long it took them to become level 2 from level 0 or level 1.

The level help says you need to complete a minimum of 120 days (around 4 months) as an active seller to be level 2 (as well as all the other requirements).

I agree! it depends!


It took me one year to go from level 0 to level 2, seven months to level 1 and 5 months from level 1 to level 2. That is after I started being active.

Yeah, you can start a poll, it will be better than a post, as @uk1000 suggested.

good to know your experience!


Its a good thing to want to reach higher levels, it can have more advantages like the right to ask for higher rates. But note that it doesnt mean that if you reach the higher levels, all the problems will be solved.

In my case, I reached level 2 and everything stopped, complete silence for 4 months appart from few regular clients.

My point is that you need to concetrate on other stuff much more, like trying to understand how the algorithm works or how to do marketing research, how to get clients, how to keep clients, how to improve your offer etc.

In my case, I reached level 2 and everything stopped, complete silence for 4 months appart from few regular clients.

Oh My mood was going down when heard this. I just thought after reaching a new level, we’ll get more orders and increase our Gig’s traffic. Thanks so much for letting me know in advance.

And sure I will spend much more time to better perform on Fiverr


In my case, I reached level 2 and everything stopped, complete silence for 4 months appart from few regular clients.

Oh My mood was going down when heard this. I just thought after reaching a new level, we’ll get more orders and increase our Gig’s traffic. Thanks so much for letting me know in advance.

And sure I will spend much more time to better perform on Fiverr

Oh My mood was going down when heard this. I just thought after reaching a new level, we’ll get more orders and increase our Gig’s traffic.

Not necessarily. Probably depends on your pricing as well.

To put this into context:

I reached level 2 after the minimum amount of 120 days and got the Fiverr’s choice badge the same day. Before that I was really struggling because I had way too many requests and therefore increased my prices so I could work and not only chat with random people all day.

The problem is more that I now only get the harder jobs while before I was getting a lot of easy jobs which could have been completed within half an hour and I made 20-30$ off of it. Now I get at least 50$ per order but can expect to spend at least 2 hours on it. Also, I’m saving a lot of time because I get less requests.

So, my hourly rate decreased but my quality of life increased because I now can focus more on the job and less on chatting and don’t need to worry about gig positioning. If I wanted more orders I could basically decrease my price without having to worry where I appear in the search bar, because it’s among the first 8 entries anyway, as long as I’m not out of office.

Still you can have a bad month or more. For me august was pretty rough in terms of sales.

Sorry, I don’t really know myself where I’m going with this monologue. Just be aware that everything has it’s pros and cons.


It is going to be different for everyone.

I can tell you about my experience if it is going to help you in any way.

It took me a bit less than 5 months from New Seller to Level One, and it took me exactly 10 months from Level One to Level Two (it took so long to hit 2k in revenue).

Now, I am sure that most sellers go from Level One to Level Two faster than I did. Until I became a Level Two Seller, Fiverr was very much my third income stream. My prices were very low, and I would only take in a few orders per week, and then put my gig on ‘Out of Office Mode’ as to not interfere too much with my main revenue streams.

I did take my Fiverr career seriously, though. I treated it like I would any other business venture, and that is why I got orders even though I did not spend much time on it.

I will fulfill all the requirements to become nominated for Top Rated Seller either this month or the next (it will be cutting it very close this month). This is 13 months after I became a Level Two Seller, so you can see that my revenue has gone up quite a bit after I increased my prices, and I stopped activating “Out of Office Mode” all the time.

Thank you vibronx!

I have learned many things from your comment.


Oh My mood was going down when heard this. I just thought after reaching a new level, we’ll get more orders and increase our Gig’s traffic.

Not necessarily. Probably depends on your pricing as well.

To put this into context:

I reached level 2 after the minimum amount of 120 days and got the Fiverr’s choice badge the same day. Before that I was really struggling because I had way too many requests and therefore increased my prices so I could work and not only chat with random people all day.

The problem is more that I now only get the harder jobs while before I was getting a lot of easy jobs which could have been completed within half an hour and I made 20-30$ off of it. Now I get at least 50$ per order but can expect to spend at least 2 hours on it. Also, I’m saving a lot of time because I get less requests.

So, my hourly rate decreased but my quality of life increased because I now can focus more on the job and less on chatting and don’t need to worry about gig positioning. If I wanted more orders I could basically decrease my price without having to worry where I appear in the search bar, because it’s among the first 8 entries anyway, as long as I’m not out of office.

Still you can have a bad month or more. For me august was pretty rough in terms of sales.

Sorry, I don’t really know myself where I’m going with this monologue. Just be aware that everything has it’s pros and cons.

I loved your opinion


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