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My gig has been denied. How can i fix it?


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There is no “fix”. If your gig has been denied due to you violating the Fiverr terms of service, then that gig is gone for good. It cannot be reactivated.

My advice, don’t break the rules. Read them, understand them, and work within them.


If you post the gig title and the gig wording here, then there are people who can help you understand why the gig was denied. But without that information, no one can help you.

My gig is called - I will run your instagram account and boost followers and engagement


There is no “fix”. If your gig has been denied due to you violating the Fiverr terms of service, then that gig is gone for good. It cannot be reactivated.

My advice, don’t break the rules. Read them, understand them, and work within them.

Is there anyway someone from Fiverr can retrieve them?


There is no “fix”. If your gig has been denied due to you violating the Fiverr terms of service, then that gig is gone for good. It cannot be reactivated.

My advice, don’t break the rules. Read them, understand them, and work within them.

I have looked at the TOS and i can’t think of a reason that would mean my gig to be denied, my gig is not misleading or a copy nor is it very low quality. Any suggestions on what it could be?


Is there anyway someone from Fiverr can retrieve them?

Is there anyway someone from Fiverr can retrieve them?

No, your gig is gone. It is no longer allowed on Fiverr, because it breaks Fiverr’s terms of service.

I have looked at the TOS and i can’t think of a reason that would mean my gig to be denied, my gig is not misleading or a copy nor is it very low quality. Any suggestions on what it could be?

My gig is called - I will run your instagram account and boost followers and engagement

It is against the rules of both this site, and Instagram, to sell or “boost”, social media followers. This would seem to be a likely reason for your gig being denied and removed. You cannot offer any service that promises to increase social media likes or followers.

Guest humanissocial

My gig is called - I will run your instagram account and boost followers and engagement

You can’t make promises like that.

Growing followers and engagement organically is out of your control and dependent on many factors.

It could only be in control of followers, traffic and Likes if you were buying them, which you can’t do.


You can’t make promises like that.

Growing followers and engagement organically is out of your control and dependent on many factors.

It could only be in control of followers, traffic and Likes if you were buying them, which you can’t do.

Would a title like: I will manage and grow your instagram account, be suitable? If not what would a suitable title be?


Would a title like: I will manage and grow your instagram account, be suitable? If not what would a suitable title be?

I would be careful offering any kind of service like that. I, for one, would never hire a stranger to manage my social media accounts. Those are personal voices that represent me. Giving a stranger access to my accounts – for anything – is a security disaster just waiting to happen. And I, personally, would not trust someone from Fiverr who was offering to do that for only a few dollars. That’s not a service that should carry a cheap price tag.


Would a title like: I will manage and grow your instagram account, be suitable? If not what would a suitable title be?

I would suggest you to read https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/integrity-authenticity first.

There is a big chapter


Fake engagement and traffic

Do not post, offer or ask for:

  • Followers, subscribers, fans or views on social media platforms.
  • Fake engagement on any platform.

Promise a service outcome which is not in your control

In certain instances, sellers may be tempted to promise outcomes of their service which is not in their control. For example, guaranteeing to restore your Amazon account or promising an exact amount of viewers for a Youtube video by its digital promotion. Please refrain from promising outcomes that are not in your control because it misleads buyers.

Your title wording game would not help if the service would mislead Buyer(s).


Is there anyway someone from Fiverr can retrieve them?

Why is Fiverr going to allow you to retrieve a gig that they’ve already removed for breaking their terms of service? Think about it.

If you pursue this by trying to reinstate the gig, or a variation with different wording, you are likely to get an account warning. Trying to find sneaky ways to get around the rules of the marketplace is not good practice.

Guest humanissocial

Would a title like: I will manage and grow your instagram account, be suitable? If not what would a suitable title be?

As I said the title isnt the issue. It’s the gig itself.


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