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Cancelled approved and 5 star rated order


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I know, we talked about it many times, but I can’t find the topic in time of need.
So, the horrible buyer of the month. Literally every month I have one and this month is this kid (guy) that after accepting the order without asking revisions and rating it 5 stars, asked for cancellation from the customer support.
The customer support just went on and canceled, just like that.
I haven’t seen any changed in my earnings, I don’t have money in my balance because I suspected this will happen and withdrawn it all, but I have money in the process ( the famous 7 or 14 days) and I am afraid that the money will be taken once they appear in my balance. We are talking of 800$ order.

I wrote to CS and waiting for an answer. However, I wanted to ask you what should I do as I suspect CS will be unhelpful as always. I am a Pro seller, should I write to my Success manager? What should I do?

Thank you


I know, we talked about it many times, but I can’t find the topic in time of need.

So, the horrible buyer of the month. Literally every month I have one and this month is this kid (guy) that after accepting the order without asking revisions and rating it 5 stars, asked for cancellation from the customer support.

The customer support just went on and canceled, just like that.

I haven’t seen any changed in my earnings, I don’t have money in my balance because I suspected this will happen and withdrawn it all, but I have money in the process ( the famous 7 or 14 days) and I am afraid that the money will be taken once they appear in my balance. We are talking of 800$ order.

I wrote to CS and waiting for an answer. However, I wanted to ask you what should I do as I suspect CS will be unhelpful as always. I am a Pro seller, should I write to my Success manager? What should I do?

Thank you

What should I do?

hould I write to my Success manager?

YES. If you can not get your money then there is no hope for any of us.


What should I do?

hould I write to my Success manager?

YES. If you can not get your money then there is no hope for any of us.

I am 3 months on this platform, and I have a horrible experience for a lifetime.

I am switching to a mini gig strategy in which I will only accept the order if they require an hour of work. I am minimizing the risk because this is so unprofessional and ridiculous.


I know, we talked about it many times, but I can’t find the topic in time of need.

So, the horrible buyer of the month. Literally every month I have one and this month is this kid (guy) that after accepting the order without asking revisions and rating it 5 stars, asked for cancellation from the customer support.

The customer support just went on and canceled, just like that.

I haven’t seen any changed in my earnings, I don’t have money in my balance because I suspected this will happen and withdrawn it all, but I have money in the process ( the famous 7 or 14 days) and I am afraid that the money will be taken once they appear in my balance. We are talking of 800$ order.

I wrote to CS and waiting for an answer. However, I wanted to ask you what should I do as I suspect CS will be unhelpful as always. I am a Pro seller, should I write to my Success manager? What should I do?

Thank you

I am afraid that the money will be taken once they appear in my balance.

That’s not how it usually works. If you don’t have money in your balance and a cancellation happens, your balance shows in negative (in this case, it would show as -$800).

Or at least that’s how it used to be.

Now, maybe your balance will be updated (and will become negative) soon (say, within a day or two), or maybe Fiverr has covered your loss.

Please keep us posted!


I am afraid that the money will be taken once they appear in my balance.

That’s not how it usually works. If you don’t have money in your balance and a cancellation happens, your balance shows in negative (in this case, it would show as -$800).

Or at least that’s how it used to be.

Now, maybe your balance will be updated (and will become negative) soon (say, within a day or two), or maybe Fiverr has covered your loss.

Please keep us posted!

I don’t know what will happen but I know the clients details and I am willing to go personally against him with a lawyer. I am done with this unprofessional behaviour. These are my reports with my copyrights and he will use this information for free. Is not happening. Also I am getting a lawyer to review this entire thing and I for big orders I will make my clients sign a contract. I will accept payment via Fiverr but in case this happen I want to be able to go to court and demand payment. I am sure there is Italian law protecting me.


I don’t know what will happen but I know the clients details and I am willing to go personally against him with a lawyer. I am done with this unprofessional behaviour. These are my reports with my copyrights and he will use this information for free. Is not happening. Also I am getting a lawyer to review this entire thing and I for big orders I will make my clients sign a contract. I will accept payment via Fiverr but in case this happen I want to be able to go to court and demand payment. I am sure there is Italian law protecting me.

From the day one I am puzzled by you, your profile, and services - in terms of why would you need Fiverr and use Fiverr at all, then how did they decide to give you PRO, did you sign up for PRO at the same time upon opening an account or did they reached out to you and ask you to join Fiverr with the promise of PRO status.

And, after all of that, your interaction (information you share) on the forum is more of a seller who is new and has no protection or leverage with Fiverr.

As @catwriter said, it is purely up to you, but we would truly appreciate you sharing the outcome of this since if you as PRO seller with Sucess manager can not protect your work and money, we need to take a serious step down in trusting on Fiverr and Fiverr system.


I don’t know what will happen but I know the clients details and I am willing to go personally against him with a lawyer. I am done with this unprofessional behaviour. These are my reports with my copyrights and he will use this information for free. Is not happening. Also I am getting a lawyer to review this entire thing and I for big orders I will make my clients sign a contract. I will accept payment via Fiverr but in case this happen I want to be able to go to court and demand payment. I am sure there is Italian law protecting me.

for big orders I will make my clients sign a contract

It might be a good idea to talk to CS (or your Success Manager) about it first. Normally, there aren’t contracts on Fiverr (unless we treat every order as a contract, but I know that’s not what you mean), and I’m not sure what would happen if you insist on them without Fiverr’s permission.


Dis you check your email?
With cancellation they usually send you an email and if they didn’t take money from your balance as @catwriter described you might want to check if fiverr sent you 2 emails: one for cancellation and second that they covered your earnings anyway.

Does your order say “cancelled by CS” or “cancelled by buyer”?


Hey @tatjanamitevska

Sorry to hear about your experiences on Fiverr.

I am a Pro seller myself, and when you feel good and ready, I am here to discuss how to set up your gigs in a way that no client can take you for a ride. 🙂

But for now, let’s focus at what happened.

From what I can tell you keep getting an order cancelled, after it’s successfully completed?

How many times has that happened so far? Any indication that it may be the same individual with different accounts?

You should contact your SM immediately, and ask for this issue to be escalated.

We as Pro sellers operate under different guarantees, so I am fairly certain you can’t lose your money, especially if the order was completed and rated.

What happened when this sort of thing occurred last time? Did you lose the money from your balance?


Something must be in the air lately. I have had 3 cancellations in the last few weeks, normally I see 1 every few months. and all have been higher dollar gigs ($50, $120, $200). And I am real sure they simply took my work and ran.
AND no recourse for me, the seller. I put the hours into it… no recourse.

I loose the hours of time, and my raking falls… I glad I do enough gigs that It has not hurt my Top seller status, but it will if it continues,

We need new policies. And some protection.


@ tatjanamitevska This happened with me as well I lost a lot of money 2 weeks ago and buyer waste a lot of time. I wrote to CS and waiting for an answer fiver another team person to cancel the order and then give me a response. Fiverr CS team can’t listen to sellers, just take the action from buyer and cancel the order without discussing anything.
You are right CS will be unhelpful as always.


Hey @tatjanamitevska

Sorry to hear about your experiences on Fiverr.

I am a Pro seller myself, and when you feel good and ready, I am here to discuss how to set up your gigs in a way that no client can take you for a ride. 🙂

But for now, let’s focus at what happened.

From what I can tell you keep getting an order cancelled, after it’s successfully completed?

How many times has that happened so far? Any indication that it may be the same individual with different accounts?

You should contact your SM immediately, and ask for this issue to be escalated.

We as Pro sellers operate under different guarantees, so I am fairly certain you can’t lose your money, especially if the order was completed and rated.

What happened when this sort of thing occurred last time? Did you lose the money from your balance?

CS refuse to solve the issue in my favor and my CS is just not interested.

Thank you for your offer, I really appreciated, but I am out of Fiverr.

I have a good full time job and this situation has created enough headaches for me already. When a side hustle is starting to interfer with your day job is time to stop. I am creating online courses as my secondary source of revenue.

This platform makes me sick. I saw on tik tok ther people refer to fiverr as a frustration site, pro or not pro there is a reason why people call it like that,


for big orders I will make my clients sign a contract

It might be a good idea to talk to CS (or your Success Manager) about it first. Normally, there aren’t contracts on Fiverr (unless we treat every order as a contract, but I know that’s not what you mean), and I’m not sure what would happen if you insist on them without Fiverr’s permission.

My CS doesn’t care!

What can I say,…


CS refuse to solve the issue in my favor and my CS is just not interested.

Thank you for your offer, I really appreciated, but I am out of Fiverr.

I have a good full time job and this situation has created enough headaches for me already. When a side hustle is starting to interfer with your day job is time to stop. I am creating online courses as my secondary source of revenue.

This platform makes me sick. I saw on tik tok ther people refer to fiverr as a frustration site, pro or not pro there is a reason why people call it like that,

I am out of Fiverr.

We really need to take a big step in Fiverr court. It is really frustrating to hear if Fiverr is treating the pro sellers the same as other non-pro sellers ;). But I have secured myself because Fiverr is not the only website in the freelancer marketplace 😉

Anyway if you could prove before the CS that the buyer is still using the delivery then they can issue compensation for you.

Anyway good luck with your journey


I had a similar situation not long ago. I first received an email stating the order was canceled and the money was sent back to the buyer. A minute later I received this follow-up email. I’m not a PRO seller (level 2), been on the site for a little over 3 years. I’m not sure how the fraud protection plan works but if it protected me it might be able to help you.


Yelp! just read some of your later comments, it seems like CS refused to help. That sucks big time, hang in there, best of luck.


I had a similar situation not long ago. I first received an email stating the order was canceled and the money was sent back to the buyer. A minute later I received this follow-up email. I’m not a PRO seller (level 2), been on the site for a little over 3 years. I’m not sure how the fraud protection plan works but if it protected me it might be able to help you.


Yelp! just read some of your later comments, it seems like CS refused to help. That sucks big time, hang in there, best of luck.

Mine wasnt charge back!


News update. Fiverr will not give me the money. The money were taken from my balance. On top of that I got a warning for being rude with the Cs and seller (for saying that I am taking him to court). Overall, I can’t be more happier not being in the platform anymore. No horrible clients, no messages to answer in 1 hour, no cancellation, no clock for order deliver. Just enjoying my life.


News update. Fiverr will not give me the money. The money were taken from my balance. On top of that I got a warning for being rude with the Cs and seller (for saying that I am taking him to court). Overall, I can’t be more happier not being in the platform anymore. No horrible clients, no messages to answer in 1 hour, no cancellation, no clock for order deliver. Just enjoying my life.

News update. Fiverr will not give me the money. The money were taken from my balance.

So your balance is negative now?

So sorry to hear about this. I’d never expect them to treat a Pro seller like that.


News update. Fiverr will not give me the money. The money were taken from my balance. On top of that I got a warning for being rude with the Cs and seller (for saying that I am taking him to court). Overall, I can’t be more happier not being in the platform anymore. No horrible clients, no messages to answer in 1 hour, no cancellation, no clock for order deliver. Just enjoying my life.

Thank you for the update.

In light of all the recent events (granting TRS badge to seller with unoriginal artwork from mock-up sites, promoted ads that do not work and introducing Fiverr business with no explanation other than 50 second video that tells nothing) Fiverr should be treated as lottery. You could win or lose but nothing is under your control.

Overall, I can’t be more happier not being in the platform anymore.

I told you this already and I will say it again. I am 39 and there is nothing more important than happiness. I worked every day all day for a large salary that was eaten by inflation. I have nothing except lost years and decades of my life, wasted time.

Yes, I have no steady income now but with my savings, I can survive enough to finally live happy life.

Don’t wait like me.

Be happy today!


This kind of situation can happen to anyone from level 0 seller to PRO sellers, few weeks ago customer support cancel an order without any explanation, so my stats drops no money and the scammer get away with free work.


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