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Am I over-pricing?!


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Hey guys,

I know Fiverr for a long time, and I had an idea that Fiverr is over competitive and no one can work on it anymore.

Before a week, I decided to work as a YouTube channel manager because I have experience and knowledge…

I created a new account, and I posted my gig, I designed a cover in 10m, it looks great if you ask me, it’s just simple and easy to read and not distracting.

I ranked really well on my first day, I am now on the 4th line I think (keyword: YouTube channel manager).

I didn’t set 3 packages because as I learned, as a social media manager you have specific tasks to do and you can’t separate them to make the price low.

I charge 500$ for 1 month for full management of a YouTube channel. Please visit my gig here and let me know if I did something wrong, I reviewed my gig multiple times and I made multiple changes.

I am also planning to make a video so I can attract more clients.

I also reviewed the competitors and I see that what I charge is somehow the best for what I provide.

I have 172 impressions and no clicks!

Thank you all, you are a great community and good luck for everyone.

My gig


Hey guys,

I know Fiverr for a long time, and I had an idea that Fiverr is over competitive and no one can work on it anymore.

Before a week, I decided to work as a YouTube channel manager because I have experience and knowledge…

I created a new account, and I posted my gig, I designed a cover in 10m, it looks great if you ask me, it’s just simple and easy to read and not distracting.

I ranked really well on my first day, I am now on the 4th line I think (keyword: YouTube channel manager).

I didn’t set 3 packages because as I learned, as a social media manager you have specific tasks to do and you can’t separate them to make the price low.

I charge 500$ for 1 month for full management of a YouTube channel. Please visit my gig here and let me know if I did something wrong, I reviewed my gig multiple times and I made multiple changes.

I am also planning to make a video so I can attract more clients.

I also reviewed the competitors and I see that what I charge is somehow the best for what I provide.

I have 172 impressions and no clicks!

Thank you all, you are a great community and good luck for everyone.

My gig

image1094×426 104 KB

I also reviewed the competitors and I see that what I charge is somehow the best for what I provide.

I do not think people will buy this at this time. But if you think it will work, good for you.



I also reviewed the competitors and I see that what I charge is somehow the best for what I provide.

I do not think people will buy this at this time. But if you think it will work, good for you.


You mean I am over-pricing, right?


I don’t specialize in this field at all, but just at a glance from your current competition, they tend to stand out far more just because they have lower prices. While I will never advocate for under-valuing your services, I do think it would be a good idea to make a variety of gigs for specific tasks at a smaller scale. That way, you can sort of advertise at a similar price point that is similar to your competition. At the end of the day, a $500 gig really isn’t going to pull traffic when its surrounded by similar gigs pulling $20+. At the way things are now, most are going to go for other gigs that are at a lower price point (often, regardless of quality).


I don’t specialize in this field at all, but just at a glance from your current competition, they tend to stand out far more just because they have lower prices. While I will never advocate for under-valuing your services, I do think it would be a good idea to make a variety of gigs for specific tasks at a smaller scale. That way, you can sort of advertise at a similar price point that is similar to your competition. At the end of the day, a $500 gig really isn’t going to pull traffic when its surrounded by similar gigs pulling $20+. At the way things are now, most are going to go for other gigs that are at a lower price point (often, regardless of quality).

Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it.


I think your gig images actually looks very simple , there is no attraction . If I’m a buyer , and I look at your gig image ,I don’t believe you have enough experience for the job , better to create a nice video that shows what you can do for buyers , and how to make them trust you , shows your strengths, etc , because your price very hight . And have you ever had any success stories with those kind of service for any other one before ? Or it’ just your first time " trying to do this service ? " And You’ve never even managed an account successfully ?

$500 need to be a very professional sellers, Other wise don’t stay with so expansive price , not many buyers can pay for it . Because they has a lot of Choice on fiverr , if you want a $500, better when you are really professional and has some Success stories


Are there enough people paying - any amount, let alone a decent amount - for someone to manage their YouTube account?

I manage my own YT channel/content because there is no money in it. Viewers only want what they can get for free so I can’t justify paying anyone anything to do anything.

If I had a channel large enough to require a team, would I be looking at randoms on Fiverr or at people within my community who have already shown more than a passing interest in being part of my team? Maybe already a moderator or such. They know my peeps, my thing…

How can you prove to a buyer that you would be one of those people? I won’t say it will feel, or even be, very easy.



I think your gig images actually looks very simple , there is no attraction . If I’m a buyer , and I look at your gig image ,I don’t believe you have enough experience for the job , better to create a nice video that shows what you can do for buyers , and how to make them trust you , shows your strengths, etc , because your price very hight . And have you ever had any success stories with those kind of service for any other one before ? Or it’ just your first time " trying to do this service ? " And You’ve never even managed an account successfully ?

$500 need to be a very professional sellers, Other wise don’t stay with so expansive price , not many buyers can pay for it . Because they has a lot of Choice on fiverr , if you want a $500, better when you are really professional and has some Success stories

I got your point, thank you for your time.

I think I will set my price at 150$ for 10 days, and I hope that I get some resaults.


I do think it would be a good idea to make a variety of gigs for specific tasks at a smaller scale.

Precisely this! Smaller tasks that can build rapport with your clients. Someone that spent $50 with you and liked your service is much more likely to spend another $500 then someone that have never worked with you before.

I don’t think you’re overpriced, I actually think that $500 for 30 days is not enough, but that highly depends on your experience and if at the end of the period you can achieve results that’d justify their investment.

Don’t worry about other seller’s prices. There are people offering similar services as mine for 1/10 of what I charge, and my rates are already low compared with industry prices, but I don’t see them as competition nor people buying from them as the right target audience for my services.

Are there enough people paying - any amount, let alone a decent amount - for someone to manage their YouTube account?

I don’t specifically know about Fiverr, but my gf is a copywriter ans she does manage quite a few brands SM, and the pay is not bad…not bad at all.

I also have a friend back from Uni, who made his whole career out of optimizing YouTube channels and whatnot. We’re talking real money here. Last I’ve heard he still does this yearly massive event for other affiliates and people in Digital Marketing in general. But not sure if YouTube is as attractive nowadays as it once was, but there was definitely money in it and people were willing considerable amounts to rank higher.

What I got from your words is that I have to give my clients low price service with short time as a trail to build the trust. And than if he liked me he can pay me more.

Thank you!


I think your gig images actually looks very simple , there is no attraction . If I’m a buyer , and I look at your gig image ,I don’t believe you have enough experience for the job , better to create a nice video that shows what you can do for buyers , and how to make them trust you , shows your strengths, etc , because your price very hight . And have you ever had any success stories with those kind of service for any other one before ? Or it’ just your first time " trying to do this service ? " And You’ve never even managed an account successfully ?

$500 need to be a very professional sellers, Other wise don’t stay with so expansive price , not many buyers can pay for it . Because they has a lot of Choice on fiverr , if you want a $500, better when you are really professional and has some Success stories

I did some changes, would you take a look?




HI, I think if you are a good Youtube manager , you should know how to create everything good for your gig , because to manager a good fiverr account , not so big different then manager a good Youtube account , there is a lot of similarities between between them . If you don’t have a idea for your fiverr gig , how can you do a good job for your clients ?

And after your change , on your gig price page, you emphasize a lot of “No”, so what buyers really can get from you if they pay you $100 ? And what will you do for them within 10 days ? Just post their youtube link to some where each day one or two times etc ? And then ask for $100 ? They can do all these things easily by themselves . If you ask for $100 or more, you need to provide services that are really helpful and meaningful to them .


And try to learn something more before to offering those kind of service , because this is business here , It’s not a place to make quick and easy money . You have to make sure that you have experience in providing this kind of skill



HI, I think if you are a good Youtube manager , you should know how to create everything good for your gig , because to manager a good fiverr account , not so big different then manager a good Youtube account , there is a lot of similarities between between them . If you don’t have a idea for your fiverr gig , how can you do a good job for your clients ?

And after your change , on your gig price page, you emphasize a lot of “No”, so what buyers really can get from you if they pay you $100 ? And what will you do for them within 10 days ? Just post their youtube link to some where each day one or two times etc ? And then ask for $100 ? They can do all these things easily by themselves . If you ask for $100 or more, you need to provide services that are really helpful and meaningful to them .

I provide everything I mentioned in the description in the premium order.

But in the standard order and the basic, I removed some stuff.

That’s what I mean by “no”

Because I can’t repeat everything in the title, do you understand me?


I provide everything I mentioned in the description in the premium order.

But in the standard order and the basic, I removed some stuff.

That’s what I mean by “no”

Because I can’t repeat everything in the title, do you understand me?

@mahdimidi Yes, I knew you can not copy all the words on price page , but it still not a good idea to emphasize many “no” on the page , you need time to think about what is better for your gig . If you use too many " no " there , it makes buyers fell like you have no patience with your work


Why should anyone pay you to manage their YouTube channel when you offer no credentials? Buyers need to know how many YouTube channels you have helped in the past and what results (views, subscribers, engagement) you have achieved.


Another thing you could do is to offer another gig with the same services per one video, not monthly. Some youtubers upload 200 videos per month, some upload 2, currently you offer the same deal for both kinds of channels at the same price.
That could potentially land you some sales with smaller youtubers and work as a trial for the ones looking to hire you monthly. And even if you only looking to work monthly in the long run, that would still help you to get some reviews and reputation on fiverr.


Another thing you could do is to offer another gig with the same services per one video, not monthly. Some youtubers upload 200 videos per month, some upload 2, currently you offer the same deal for both kinds of channels at the same price.

That could potentially land you some sales with smaller youtubers and work as a trial for the ones looking to hire you monthly. And even if you only looking to work monthly in the long run, that would still help you to get some reviews and reputation on fiverr.

Great idea, I will considre it.



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