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New Seller any feedback on my first gig would be appreciated


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Hi there, i am very new to fiver just started selling about 3 days ago. i posted my first gig and i am super excited to get it started. I have had some looks at my gig since it went up but haven’t got that first order just yet. I was wondering if anyone could look at my gig and just give some feedback as to how it might be improved to really stand out and catch people’s attention.

Thank you to anyone who can help ,


Welcome to the Fiverr forums.

“Also offering character modeling for a game or animation”
You could turn this into a second gig.

Have you found the Tips For Sellers category (with filters applied --> forum.fiverr.com/c/Fiverr-Tips/tips-for-sellers/l/top/all?order=views)? You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.)

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

Specific to your situation, please see the (PRF) section:

Introduction– This is not a list on how to make gigs. This is for gigs that are already made that are under-performing, need an overhaul, or just need somewhere to start for self-evaluation/education. It does contain a few general-information bits, and can help during gig creation, but that is neither the focus nor the intent. For more information on any of the following sections or points, please see ‘Other Resources’ under (RRD) at the end of this post. Sections: (TCT) Title, Category, and…

There are also a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section.


Howdy Paul

I second putting Game Characters to a second Gig and taking them off this more CAD gig as this is shirt n tie stuff and gaming is generally a different feel.

While I 100% agree with your putting Conversation first, understand that the average buyer doesn’t want the effort - silly them. Just be aware that will reduce your customer base and enquiry. A good thing but frustrating when the doohickie don’t ding daily.

Wording on your Gig seems fine. On your Bio it is a bit gelatinous. Writing bios for yourself is hard. Keep refining, until you can see your service from the outside.

I think your pricing is far too low if this is Pro level work. But maybe not, as I don’t know your market. What I do know is Music and I know that:

  • $15 Mix Engineers are mostly not worth $1.
  • $150 Mix Engineers are commonly worth $15, sometimes worth $150, occasionally worth $300-500.
  • Customers from those buying brackets most commonly match 😉

All the best.


Howdy Paul

I second putting Game Characters to a second Gig and taking them off this more CAD gig as this is shirt n tie stuff and gaming is generally a different feel.

While I 100% agree with your putting Conversation first, understand that the average buyer doesn’t want the effort - silly them. Just be aware that will reduce your customer base and enquiry. A good thing but frustrating when the doohickie don’t ding daily.

Wording on your Gig seems fine. On your Bio it is a bit gelatinous. Writing bios for yourself is hard. Keep refining, until you can see your service from the outside.

I think your pricing is far too low if this is Pro level work. But maybe not, as I don’t know your market. What I do know is Music and I know that:

  • $15 Mix Engineers are mostly not worth $1.
  • $150 Mix Engineers are commonly worth $15, sometimes worth $150, occasionally worth $300-500.
  • Customers from those buying brackets most commonly match 😉

All the best.


Hi benedict,

Thank you for the really insightful feedback I am in the process of setting up the second gig for the character modelling.

I think you are right about the conversation part but I’ve seen a lot of other sellers in my area and it seems as though they ask what the scope is so discussion is necessary.

I will fix my bio and only include really relevant information in that section.

The last thing about pricing I’m kind of on two minds about as I want my service to be premium to reflect my skill in it but I’ve also seen a lot of tips say that you should lower price just to get the ball rolling with buyers but I’m not sure anything you add to this would be very useful.




Welcome to the Fiverr forums.

“Also offering character modeling for a game or animation”

You could turn this into a second gig.

Have you found the Tips For Sellers category (with filters applied --> forum.fiverr.com/c/Fiverr-Tips/tips-for-sellers/l/top/all?order=views)? You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.)

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

Specific to your situation, please see the (PRF) section:

Introduction– This is not a list on how to make gigs. This is for gigs that are already made that are under-performing, need an overhaul, or just need somewhere to start for self-evaluation/education. It does contain a few general-information bits, and can help during gig creation, but that is neither the focus nor the intent. For more information on any of the following sections or points, please see ‘Other Resources’ under (RRD) at the end of this post. Sections: (TCT) Title, Category, and…

There are also a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section.

Thank you for all your feedback if has been very useful.

I am in the process of making a new gig for the character modelling.

I also read up on the tips of selling on fiver which I found very helpful so thank you.




Hi benedict,

Thank you for the really insightful feedback I am in the process of setting up the second gig for the character modelling.

I think you are right about the conversation part but I’ve seen a lot of other sellers in my area and it seems as though they ask what the scope is so discussion is necessary.

I will fix my bio and only include really relevant information in that section.

The last thing about pricing I’m kind of on two minds about as I want my service to be premium to reflect my skill in it but I’ve also seen a lot of tips say that you should lower price just to get the ball rolling with buyers but I’m not sure anything you add to this would be very useful.



Not a worry. We should be kind and helpful to one another.

I agree that you need conversation first. To not do so would be suicidal in quality specialist work. I would not hire a Mix Engineer who wasn’t talking to me, understanding me, first. My point was simply that it will separate the cardboard from the nickel cogs and reduce numbers overall. Far better to have one enquiry from a genuine customer then waste all day on Rappers (ooh did I say that out loud).

There will always be pressure form ppl to be cheaper. Are you in a market for cheap. Would you hire a cheap surgeon for your loved one or one who delivers value (in this case a living relative)? Look at who is putting the pressure on and I bet they are not going to be your customer fro anything and if you do land that Rapper they will be a screaming nightmare who publicly blames all their willful cluelessness on you.

It is hard to get clients without clients but I will say that in my 2 years of doing this online freelancer thing, having 5-Star completed jobs has not really brought me any more jobs than not having any completed jobs. Better to have yes, but most of those $5 jobs you land will not justify themselves in any real way.

So I won’t say don’t do em, just choose carefully. Better to do a $50 job form someone who will appreciate you than a collection of $5 jobs for people who will take more than they give.

Have a real Portfilio on your own website.



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