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Hello fiverr community, my name is Zeus I am from Venezuela I live in Mexico City, I really like graphic design … I currently have several
Gigs I share them, in case you want to help me raise the quality of my service a little, and thus have a good work experience with me, I hope to have a good work experience in this beautiful community

flyers design

logo design

The truth is I have them very cheap, I am just starting in this community, for the price it is good quality and a professional service I hope you like it, greetings: D

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Welcome to the Fiverr forums.

You only have 16 minutes of read-time shown in your forum profile. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (with filters applied --> forum.fiverr.com/c/Fiverr-Tips/tips-for-sellers/l/top/all?order=views). You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.)

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

Specific to your situation, please see (DES) point 7:

Introduction– This is not a list on how to make gigs. This is for gigs that are already made that are under-performing, need an overhaul, or just need somewhere to start for self-evaluation/education. It does contain a few general-information bits, and can help during gig creation, but that is neither the focus nor the intent. For more information on any of the following sections or points, please see ‘Other Resources’ under (RRD) at the end of this post. Sections: (TCT) Title, Category, and…

There are also a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section.

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Hello, thanks for answering and I thank you, I already saw the video, I continue to learn in the forum, anyway if the post does not go in the right place, if a moderator can move it, I would appreciate it very much, I hope to know and share experience in this community: D

Thank you very much, for your help I will try to correct that 🙂

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Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your time here.

Quick tip: I think you should lose the bold text in your gig descriptions. Bold is really hard to read and many people don’t even bother to try. Save it for those few words or sentences that you really want to highlight.

Another quick tip: It’s a good idea to keep your pronouns (and business image) consistent. It helps people feel reassured, as they know exactly who they’re working with. In your profile description, you use the pronoun “I”, but in your gig text, you use “we”. Choose one and stick to it.

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@imagination7413, whoops, I see you already suggested that Zvcreative should evaluate his text formatting.

Still, no harm in me recommending it too, right? “Repetition is the reality and the seriousness of life.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin) 🙂

hace daño recomendarlo también, ¿verdad? "La rep

I really appreciate your advice, my friend, thank you very much: D

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HAHA is that I have that habit, I do not know why I have so much mana with giving the option of bold, thanks

Hello zvcreative…I checked your gigs and I would like to help you.

in logo gig I feel little uncomfortable with the discription.Discription is good but I feel you have only focused on one topic.Also there are so many highlited words.Personaly I don’t highlight any word when I tell about my experience.I use highlight only for tips client should know before placing the order.I use this format in gig discriptions

1.About my experience in the field

2.Service you offer

3.How you guarantee customer satisfaction

Also make sure to add more samples in a single image.I noticed that your first gig image contains only a single logo.First gig image is the primary image.Make sure to add more samples to primary image.Don’t use white as the background color because logo should clearly shows.As an example if you have use light colors for the logo,make sure to add a dark background.That will popup the logo from the background.If you use a gig video,you should have at least 20 logos you designed.Also make sure to extend the video at least 30 seconds.Don’t design samples in a single day.take a week.Plan well.Design more samples.Also make sure to add keywords to samples.You can download keywords from google keyword planner and add them using photoshop

in flyer gig…

samples are good.no problem.Make sure to add more samples in primary image.Add a better discription.Add keywords for samples

Hope that’s help you mate.Let me know if there any questions.I['ll get back to you soon!

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First thing I would love to say is, share YOUR designs.
Offering potential clients samples of pre-made design elements you have downloaded does not lend to your credibility as a designer with 5-6 years experience. ( I can see you blurred/marked out the actual website where the sample was downloaded, just saying…)
That’s not to be faulted for, I use premade elements when I can, it saves time. But show your work to help build confidence in the buyers.
You must have a large inventory of portfolio work to share a few original designs from.
Best of luck and keep at it!

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