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Tips for starters who love "Travelling"


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This message was sent by me to one of the starters who wanted to get started with Fiverr and loved Travelling.

Please read on.

This is Magic Blade (fiverr.com/s2r2010). I would love to give you tips to get started. You can definitely earn here and fiverr supports all kinds of talents under one roof.

Things which can get you going:

  1. You love travelling! That’s great. Why not make a gig like “Get cool travelling Photos for just a Gig”, or “I will review places like a pro in 100 words” or something similar. This was just to give you an idea.

    Note: One most important thing to keep in mind while creating a Gig is to use useful related tags for your Gigs. Tags will get you requests for order and much more.

  2. Once you have created your gig, it’s time to publish them and spread the word to your social network friends. Social network is a great place to get attention for a startup like you.

  3. Published your gigs! You are doing really great! Next point is really important.

  4. Go to “Sales” Menu click the “Buyers Request” link on bottom right.

  5. You will see plenty of buyers request for “Travelling” related work. Contact any of them by clicking “SEND OFFER”.

  6. If your gigs are Creative and expresses the message affirmatively, the buyer would love to contact you back. And bang! you are ready to go!

    Hope these tips would get you to the golden lanes of Fiverr Community!

    Love Fiverr. Love Art.

    This is Magic Blade signing off.


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