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Didn't Received Whole Amount


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Are you sure, that you’ve got 16$ from 25? Check it again. And remember - your order cost and tips goes like 2 separated parts, in your “Earnings” you will see it like 2 different parts. And again - check everything, because you had to get 20 from your 25$ order. Everything is ok with tips part - you get 4$ from 5$ (20% Fee)

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Maybe the client used a discount code. But you should contact Fiverr support because, even if a discount code was used, support will give you back what’s missing from what I read.

Edit: note that 16 is 25 x 0.8 x 0.8, in other words, 20% on top of 20%, which matches Fiverr’s discount. Personally, I find stealing from sellers subtly and without their consent to be a really bad dirty move. You could just trust the plataform and never realize you were stole.

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Are you sure, that you’ve got 16$ from 25? Check it again. And remember - your order cost and tips goes like 2 separated parts, in your “Earnings” you will see it like 2 different parts. And again - check everything, because you had to get 20 from your 25$ order. Everything is ok with tips part - you get 4$ from 5$ (20% Fee)


I checked its separate $16 pending clearance and another separate $4 which was tip

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The order was of $25 I received $16 from it and from $5 tip received $4.

$24 total should I receive but received $20…

@kesharbisht See this

It happened something similar to me, but I was wrong because:

  1. Paypal took some comission with the withdrawn
  2. I didn´t think about the money changing, my case was Dollar to Euro

Contact customer service If you are sure they are wrong. Good luck!

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It happened something similar to me, but I was wrong because:

  1. Paypal took some comission with the withdrawn
  2. I didn´t think about the money changing, my case was Dollar to Euro

Contact customer service If you are sure they are wrong. Good luck!

@marionaadames I didn’t withdrawn.

It is pending clearance and didn’t received whole amount.

And I contacted them

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