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How strict is Fiverr with duplicate shops and fake reviews?


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I am slowly building my name on Fiverr but I see its a hard nut to crack. As a digital marketing specialist I am always on a lookout for my competition that are doing better then me and trying to analyse why are they doing better and how could I improve…

So I see there are only few gigs out there with simmilar/same offers and they are doing great. Among those I picked out three top stores that in my opinion are doing the best and also have the most ratings and orders in que.

But after further analysis and investigation I found out next things:

  1. They are all from same country
  2. They all have same or very simmilar descriptions of shops
  3. They all have simmilar profile descriptions
  4. They all have simmilar gig picture - same design
  5. Second picture of gig, that shows what you get is a same document at all three shops

I know plagiarism happens a lot when new sellers try to copy from TOP seller but I also got a bit suspicious because I know I read about people using VPN`s for multiple shops on Fiverr so a dig even deeper.

I found out that all of those shops were made in the last 1/2 year and in the first month they exceeded 100 orders. After closely checking their reviews I can see that they were given a reviews by 5 or 6 different profiles multiple times - cop/paste review from buyer something like “This is the first time i worked with seller” - and yet this review is in their store at least 10 times.

Those three shops were also buying same listings from each other leaving positive reviews for gigs that they actualy sell themselves…

They even have few low-rated (2-3 stars reviews) from the same buyer once or twice a month (ofcourse with same review commentary) looks like just to turn down the suspision.

I know I can not be the judge of that and I know its hard to prove something and if they are indeed the same person/group of persons (I am 99% sure of it) how can you even “fight” that? They take top 3 positions in search, the gigs are so specific that you can not find any other keyword that would outrank them, they are getting orders and reviews all the time - if not from real customers they start faking it with 5 profiles…

Is this something that should be reported to fiverr? Should fiverr see this themselves? SHould I just continiue scratching for those few people that actualy find me after those stores and hope I could build my name up?

As I said I am a digital marketing specialist. I would know how to build different profiles from different MAC addresses and with different IPs and VPNs… but I never was a fan of so called “black hat SEO”…

Please tell me your experience on this…

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Guest lloydsolutions

You need to remove all references to the country in the post above as that is not allowed on the forum.

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As far as I can say is, leave them and focus on your gig. They just occupy 3 sapce on the page, there are rest 45 spaces for other gigs on the same page. Try to bring your gigs there and soon you will get orders (real, lol)

Yeah… but if you have 3 stores with cca 150 reviews that offer the same thing as I do with my 12 ratings…I mean as a buyer I would never considered the “low-experienced” seller 🙂 I get orders but they take most organic ones.

But yeah… I wont report that to fiverr and try to fight through it 🙂 But it sucks…didnt know how to handle it.

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Yeah… but if you have 3 stores with cca 150 reviews that offer the same thing as I do with my 12 ratings…I mean as a buyer I would never considered the “low-experienced” seller 🙂 I get orders but they take most organic ones.

But yeah… I wont report that to fiverr and try to fight through it 🙂 But it sucks…didnt know how to handle it.

Make your gigs more attractive and appealing. Some Buyers still prefer to buy from sellers having less reviews as new sellers focus more on a order as compare to other sellers having many orders in queue.

I have some buyers who like to buy services from new sellers as they say they get 100% response and satisfaction.

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Make your gigs more attractive and appealing. Some Buyers still prefer to buy from sellers having less reviews as new sellers focus more on a order as compare to other sellers having many orders in queue.

I have some buyers who like to buy services from new sellers as they say they get 100% response and satisfaction.

I mean… I am not trying to be smart here, but I am in an Online buisness for 8+ years.

I have 5000+ successful sales on Etsy, and I know what a strugle it was making my first 100 sales…

I get your point and respect it. But the fact is that 90% of online buyers will go to “trust-worthy” shops (or as they think they are because they are only looking at ratings and seller levels)

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  • 1 year later...

I am reporting every month at least 1 seller or a gig when I detect that something is not ok.
Very seldom does Fiverr take action.
I reported for example 2 sellers. I am 100% sure it is the same seller with 2 accounts. They are using a different profile picture, but you can see that they have the same face and the same hairstyle. Their name in the profiles is the same. They graduated from the same school at the same time. They show the same examples of their work. They offer the same services. Fiverr did nothing to stop them.

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