Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Hello dear Fiverr , Ive been on this platform since July and I noticed something very wierd . So I was getting orders constantly 1 or 2 orders / day my main GIG was getting 500-800 Impressions / Day , Every order I completed succesfully with 5 STAR RATING so I could say business was booming ! In half month I become eligible for level 1 seller after the 60 days seniorityOn 19 July I think I woke up and checked my statistics and my gig from 500-800 impressions / day droped down to 50 all of a sudden . Ive verified my gig on the seller help center to see if its active and the status was ACTIVEI search my gig on the market word by word and was nowhere to be found !So I asked on forum and I was surprised to find out on my PROFILE SETTINGS that my account was set to OFFLINE mode for no reason ( people on the forum told me that its a bug and from time to time happends ) ! So I put it back online and my gig appeard back in search ! But instead of the First Page ( where it was ) it was ranked on Page 10 !Now the gig has been stuck there and since then I have not recieved any order except 2 orders from buyer requests that I completed and I recieved +2 5 star ratings but its seems it didnt really helped the gig its still on page 10 ! I tried to share my gig on social media to update description title photos and everything possible but it seems its not helping !Now my question is how can be a allmost 20 5 star reviews gig stuck on page 10 next to sellers with 0 Ratings ? Its been a lot of time and the situation is still the same … I dont even know what to do
Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 If there Is any Old Experienced Seller here that might know something about my situation I would really apreciate some help
coerdelion Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 There are a great many people going through the same thing at the moment - on minute they’re top of the algorithm, the next they’re bottom.This thread might throw some light on what’s going on: Hey everyone! As promised I will try to create a post, in an effort to shed some light over the issues that most of us seem to be facing ever since we got hit with the wonderful twofer of Covid-19 AND the analytics system breaking down. I will share what little insights I have over how SERP may or may not work, but I will avoid diving into too much detail as I have in no way figured things out. (Nor is that my intent) OK so to kick things off, let me just state the obvious: Everything I shar…
Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 There are a great many people going through the same thing at the moment - on minute they’re top of the algorithm, the next they’re bottom.This thread might throw some light on what’s going on: Hey everyone! As promised I will try to create a post, in an effort to shed some light over the issues that most of us seem to be facing ever since we got hit with the wonderful twofer of Covid-19 AND the analytics system breaking down. I will share what little insights I have over how SERP may or may not work, but I will avoid diving into too much detail as I have in no way figured things out. (Nor is that my intent) OK so to kick things off, let me just state the obvious: Everything I shar… Thank you very much @coerdelion I really apreciate it I will read it now it seems its a lot of information here that might be helpfulThank you
mariashtelle1 Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Hello dear Fiverr , Ive been on this platform since July and I noticed something very wierd . So I was getting orders constantly 1 or 2 orders / day my main GIG was getting 500-800 Impressions / Day , Every order I completed succesfully with 5 STAR RATING so I could say business was booming ! In half month I become eligible for level 1 seller after the 60 days seniorityOn 19 July I think I woke up and checked my statistics and my gig from 500-800 impressions / day droped down to 50 all of a sudden . Ive verified my gig on the seller help center to see if its active and the status was ACTIVEI search my gig on the market word by word and was nowhere to be found !So I asked on forum and I was surprised to find out on my PROFILE SETTINGS that my account was set to OFFLINE mode for no reason ( people on the forum told me that its a bug and from time to time happends ) ! So I put it back online and my gig appeard back in search ! But instead of the First Page ( where it was ) it was ranked on Page 10 !Now the gig has been stuck there and since then I have not recieved any order except 2 orders from buyer requests that I completed and I recieved +2 5 star ratings but its seems it didnt really helped the gig its still on page 10 ! I tried to share my gig on social media to update description title photos and everything possible but it seems its not helping !Now my question is how can be a allmost 20 5 star reviews gig stuck on page 10 next to sellers with 0 Ratings ? Its been a lot of time and the situation is still the same … I dont even know what to doNow my question is how can be a allmost 20 5 star reviews gig stuck on page 10 next to sellers with 0 Ratings ?How can top rated sellers and level 2 sellers With 1000+ reviews being put on last page when gigs as yours with only 20 reviews being on a first page?You see the logic?For old sellers it’s also unfair that fiverr gave you a chance for some time and put your new gig higher that other sellers with thousands Reviews.But it’s fiverr’s choice and it’s called “gig rotation”.
Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Now my question is how can be a allmost 20 5 star reviews gig stuck on page 10 next to sellers with 0 Ratings ?How can top rated sellers and level 2 sellers With 1000+ reviews being put on last page when gigs as yours with only 20 reviews being on a first page?You see the logic?For old sellers it’s also unfair that fiverr gave you a chance for some time and put your new gig higher that other sellers with thousands Reviews.But it’s fiverr’s choice and it’s called “gig rotation”.I understand and I am awear of the rotation but The thing is its been allmost 20 days and the gig is going down and down its been stuck there in the 10th page and just changing positions down untill it will go to 11 page
mariashtelle1 Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 I understand and I am awear of the rotation but The thing is its been allmost 20 days and the gig is going down and down its been stuck there in the 10th page and just changing positions down untill it will go to 11 pageThe thing is its been allmost 20 days and the gig is going down and down its been stuck there in the 10th pagePfff just a couple of days? Then you are lucky 😉 most gigs stuck on the last pages (not even 10th) for a few months. Including mine and other sellers. You can read all that on this forum.But if you want an advise: do not put all your eggs in one basket and build your business in a way where you can sustain it without relying on fiverr algorithm which is unpredictable.
Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 The thing is its been allmost 20 days and the gig is going down and down its been stuck there in the 10th pagePfff just a couple of days? Then you are lucky 😉 most gigs stuck on the last pages (not even 10th) for a few months. Including mine and other sellers. You can read all that on this forum.But if you want an advise: do not put all your eggs in one basket and build your business in a way where you can sustain it without relying on fiverr algorithm which is unpredictable.Well I dont put all my eggs in one basket , You see I am drawing Ive been doing this my entire life but untill i discovered fiverr I did not had the chance to make some money out of this . Right now I am 21 yrs old and I got my first real JOB when I was 16 because life sucks and we need to put food in our belly 🙂 Ever since I was 16 I was constantly working some boring job 8-12 hours /day for the minimum salary in my country ( by the way I leave in a poor country where the entire sistem is broken Ive graduated school and ive been struggling to work after school for nothing because in the end I am making the same ammount of money and ex - prisoner will make )So Im working in the present and I barely live from a day to another and when I joined fiverr and I saw that in less then a month I made the same salary that I have to work for 12 hrs / day wich in my country the salary is (400 $ ) and we are supposed to live 1 month with this money here even tho the prices the rent and the bills are like in the rest of the europe I dont know I started dreaming about maybe in 5-6 months I will be quiting my job forever and go full time with what I love to do and hopefully surviveAnd now all of my hopes and dreams were crushed by the allgorithm ! :(((
jonbaas Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 I understand and I am awear of the rotation but The thing is its been allmost 20 days and the gig is going down and down its been stuck there in the 10th page and just changing positions down untill it will go to 11 pagebut The thing is its been allmost 20 days and the gig is going down and down its been stuck there in the 10th page and just changing positions down untill it will go to 11 pageI’ve had times where my gig was rotated down, and stayed there for 2-4 weeks. It happens. Gig rotation in the search results is part of doing business here on Fiverr. Sometimes the rotation lasts a week, sometimes longer. It all depends upon factors that we will never know.When your gig is down in the results, use that time to improve your gig, and engage in effective OFF-SITE marketing. It is unwise to expect Fiverr to provide all of your sales. Reach out to your target customers, and convince them to hire you.
genuineguidance Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 If you are an artist, you should put some of your work on Instagram and try to get followers who will want to utilize your talent.In the 8 years I have been here, I have never looked at where I land in the listings. I also never look at my analytics. I don’t need the headache or anxiety it can cause.GG
mariashtelle1 Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Well I dont put all my eggs in one basket , You see I am drawing Ive been doing this my entire life but untill i discovered fiverr I did not had the chance to make some money out of this . Right now I am 21 yrs old and I got my first real JOB when I was 16 because life sucks and we need to put food in our belly 🙂 Ever since I was 16 I was constantly working some boring job 8-12 hours /day for the minimum salary in my country ( by the way I leave in a poor country where the entire sistem is broken Ive graduated school and ive been struggling to work after school for nothing because in the end I am making the same ammount of money and ex - prisoner will make )So Im working in the present and I barely live from a day to another and when I joined fiverr and I saw that in less then a month I made the same salary that I have to work for 12 hrs / day wich in my country the salary is (400 $ ) and we are supposed to live 1 month with this money here even tho the prices the rent and the bills are like in the rest of the europe I dont know I started dreaming about maybe in 5-6 months I will be quiting my job forever and go full time with what I love to do and hopefully surviveAnd now all of my hopes and dreams were crushed by the allgorithm ! :(((Look, you are on a right path but you will have to learn a lot and never rely on fiverr algorithm. You saw you can earn money with your art so now it’s time to explore an push higher.I am quite tough on people that are telling me that it’s the life that is difficult. To be frank, I was born in the middle of Siberia, with a toilet being a hole outside of the house. 400$ per month? I wish. I left my parents when I was 16 and had to live for 40$ per month eating only spaghetti for a whole year.So do you really want to talk about “tough and unfair” life?Everything in your hands. And you are concentrating your efforts and energy on wrong things.Instead of thinking how your gig is not visible look for other ways to earn and grow and evolve now that you know that your art can sell 😉@ahmwritingco by the way how’s my gofund for my penthouse in London going? Are we almost there yet? 😁
genuineguidance Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Look, you are on a right path but you will have to learn a lot and never rely on fiverr algorithm. You saw you can earn money with your art so now it’s time to explore an push higher.I am quite tough on people that are telling me that it’s the life that is difficult. To be frank, I was born in the middle of Siberia, with a toilet being a hole outside of the house. 400$ per month? I wish. I left my parents when I was 16 and had to live for 40$ per month eating only spaghetti for a whole year.So do you really want to talk about “tough and unfair” life?Everything in your hands. And you are concentrating your efforts and energy on wrong things.Instead of thinking how your gig is not visible look for other ways to earn and grow and evolve now that you know that your art can sell 😉@ahmwritingco by the way how’s my gofund for my penthouse in London going? Are we almost there yet? 😁I lived on tomatoes for a month when I was 19. And that was in California!!! I was broke as all get out, but, determined to not return to live with my parents - been out since 17.GG
Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Trust me Romania and Siberia are very similar , The toilet outside of the house ? Ive been there 😄 But the purpose of our lives I guess its evolving spiritualy financialy etc . I promised myself that even tho I was not born in a good financial situation Is all about me and about what I am doing that will change my life and hopefully my family life too . But I guess i dont know even tho I am only 21 working from 16 I got tired … I mean this life it has to be more than a stupid job right ?
Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 @mariashtelle1 @genuineguidance @jonbaas I want to thank everybody for the kind words and advices I really apreciate all of you <3
genuineguidance Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Being self-employed or a freelancer is not for the mild mannered or weak. There are going to be highs and lows - and not everyone is cut out to run their own show. I have been self-employed since 1986. Has not been over 30 years of all positives and massive cash flow! Nope!GG
daniyalzafar Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 but The thing is its been allmost 20 days and the gig is going down and down its been stuck there in the 10th page and just changing positions down untill it will go to 11 pageI’ve had times where my gig was rotated down, and stayed there for 2-4 weeks. It happens. Gig rotation in the search results is part of doing business here on Fiverr. Sometimes the rotation lasts a week, sometimes longer. It all depends upon factors that we will never know.When your gig is down in the results, use that time to improve your gig, and engage in effective OFF-SITE marketing. It is unwise to expect Fiverr to provide all of your sales. Reach out to your target customers, and convince them to hire you.Same thing is happens to my Gig, I’m Level two seller but what is see is that they correct the Gigs analytics parameter and in that process they derail the Gigs positions…
daniyalzafar Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Well same problem here, customer support didn’t respond to my query and i had to submit another complain…I’m level two seller and June-20 was best month for me but July-20 was worst… Fiverr gig re-shuffle bug or process isn’t good for sellers… Lets hope that all issues resolve soon…
ahmwritingco Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Look, you are on a right path but you will have to learn a lot and never rely on fiverr algorithm. You saw you can earn money with your art so now it’s time to explore an push higher.I am quite tough on people that are telling me that it’s the life that is difficult. To be frank, I was born in the middle of Siberia, with a toilet being a hole outside of the house. 400$ per month? I wish. I left my parents when I was 16 and had to live for 40$ per month eating only spaghetti for a whole year.So do you really want to talk about “tough and unfair” life?Everything in your hands. And you are concentrating your efforts and energy on wrong things.Instead of thinking how your gig is not visible look for other ways to earn and grow and evolve now that you know that your art can sell 😉@ahmwritingco by the way how’s my gofund for my penthouse in London going? Are we almost there yet? 😁@ahmwritingco by the way how’s my gofund for my penthouse in London going? Are we almost there yet? 😁It was going really well. We were just $100 away from buying you a sweet London penthouse. Unfortunately, though, @maitasun and I tried to make that hundred dollars through trading.We weren’t very good, and now the fund is at 0. Sorry. 🙈Now my question is how can be a allmost 20 5 star reviews gig stuck on page 10 next to sellers with 0 Ratings ? Its been a lot of time and the situation is still the same … I dont even know what to doHey Darius.Did anything bad happen before your gig went down in the rankings? Cancellations, late deliveries, a warning – that kind of thing?
mazzyverses Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 @mariashtelle1 @genuineguidance @jonbaas I want to thank everybody for the kind words and advices I really apreciate all of you <3Do you have a link to your gig? I would like to make a purchase.
Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 @ahmwritingco by the way how’s my gofund for my penthouse in London going? Are we almost there yet? 😁It was going really well. We were just $100 away from buying you a sweet London penthouse. Unfortunately, though, @maitasun and I tried to make that hundred dollars through trading.We weren’t very good, and now the fund is at 0. Sorry. 🙈Now my question is how can be a allmost 20 5 star reviews gig stuck on page 10 next to sellers with 0 Ratings ? Its been a lot of time and the situation is still the same … I dont even know what to doHey Darius.Did anything bad happen before your gig went down in the rankings? Cancellations, late deliveries, a warning – that kind of thing?nope only that my profile was automatically set to offline for some reason
vickiespencer Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Do you have a link to your gig? I would like to make a purchase.Do you have a link to your gig? I would like to make a purchase.Finding @dareios_art’s gig is simple. Merely copy her username then go to your profile page and erase your name and replace it with her name and you will be on her profile page.
mazzyverses Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 Do you have a link to your gig? I would like to make a purchase.Finding @dareios_art’s gig is simple. Merely copy her username then go to your profile page and erase your name and replace it with her name and you will be on her profile page.found her and thank you for the tidbit!
vickiespencer Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 When I was new, it was from the Fiverr Forum that I learned this.@dareios_art Did you know you can add a link to your profile on your Forum page? Just go to your Forum Profile and then to preferences. From there go to your Profile and you can add a link to your gig under the Location.
Guest dareios_art Posted August 7, 2020 Posted August 7, 2020 When I was new, it was from the Fiverr Forum that I learned this.@dareios_art Did you know you can add a link to your profile on your Forum page? Just go to your Forum Profile and then to preferences. From there go to your Profile and you can add a link to your gig under the Location.@vickiespencer i did not even know that thank you
Guest humanissocial Posted August 8, 2020 Posted August 8, 2020 Well I dont put all my eggs in one basket , You see I am drawing Ive been doing this my entire life but untill i discovered fiverr I did not had the chance to make some money out of this . Right now I am 21 yrs old and I got my first real JOB when I was 16 because life sucks and we need to put food in our belly 🙂 Ever since I was 16 I was constantly working some boring job 8-12 hours /day for the minimum salary in my country ( by the way I leave in a poor country where the entire sistem is broken Ive graduated school and ive been struggling to work after school for nothing because in the end I am making the same ammount of money and ex - prisoner will make )So Im working in the present and I barely live from a day to another and when I joined fiverr and I saw that in less then a month I made the same salary that I have to work for 12 hrs / day wich in my country the salary is (400 $ ) and we are supposed to live 1 month with this money here even tho the prices the rent and the bills are like in the rest of the europe I dont know I started dreaming about maybe in 5-6 months I will be quiting my job forever and go full time with what I love to do and hopefully surviveAnd now all of my hopes and dreams were crushed by the allgorithm ! :(((You see I am drawing Ive been doing this my entire life but untill i discovered fiverr I did not had the chance to make some money out of this . RThat’s not what what @mariashtelle1 was saying. By “eggs in one basket” she means depending on a placement in your subcategory ranking to get orders.Sustainable Fiverr businesses leverage filters, keywords and other marketing to get orders. They don’t depend on their placement in a subcategory, which you can’t control and the odds are performing there are extremely small when you look at your competition.No business survives or thrives by relying on things it can’t control and by being a needle in a haystack.
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