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It is important to share email to work on order. What to do?


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Hi, I am a Level 1 seller. I am working with a guy for a long-time. We both do large orders like $150 or so on. But now as he is busy we discussed that I will upload content on his YouTube channel by the way I am a content creator. he said it would be great. I am also managing some other channels but the real issue is how should I send me my email to him so he can make me channel manager. Please give your experience on how to do this. Should I ask him his email so then I would not have to send my email.

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You do not need to contact CS for that. That´s all written in ToS. https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service


  • To protect our users’ privacy, user identities are kept anonymous. Requesting or providing Email addresses, ■■■■■/IM usernames, telephone numbers or any other personal contact details to communicate outside of Fiverr in order to circumvent or abuse the Fiverr messaging system or Fiverr platform is not permitted.

  • Any necessary exchange of personal information required to continue a service may be exchanged within the Order Page.

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Thanks, that would be great. I want his email before the order he placed because we recently finished one but he will make me manager before so I can upload content that we made.

we recently finished one

I want his email before the order

Then you will be risking a warning :woman_shrugging: You don’t have an open order and you’ll be asking for his email.

You are safer to create a new order and make email as a part of your requirements to submit when your client will be placing an order.

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