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We welcome all persons here, but the English is the ‘official language’ of the platform.
It is acceptable to use your native language, as long as you also provide a translation in English

Forum Rules - Updated 2017All users should read and understand the forum rules before posting. If you do not understand the rules, contact Customer Support. Users who post on the forum have implied agreement with the rules. It is assumed all users have read these rules and users who do not follow the rules may have forum accounts restricted with or without warning. This forum was created to provide a home for our Fiverr community. The forum is moderated. 1.) When starting a new discussion…
Fiverr is a place where professionals across hundreds of industries come to grow their business. To maintain a respectful, inclusive, and safe environment for everyone, we’ve updated a set of standards to serve as a moral compass for behavior in our community. We see the community standards as a “living document” and plan on updating them in an ongoing process. The community standards include five sections: Integrity and AuthenticityIntellectual PropertyObjectionable ContentViolence and Cr…


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