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When I search my Gig and Username it didn't appear . PLEASE HELP

Guest herenthere

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Guest herenthere

I have created my account 2 years back . At that time I was not able to use it . But now I m using it . I have created a Gig on my account which is : . But when I search my Gig and Username in the search bar neither of them appears. Is this happen with all new users ? or Why this is happening to me ?

Do anyone of you have a solution for this ???
If you have a solution for this Please help me .

Guest herenthere

If you only just created the gig, it will take time to be verified.

Multiple accounts are against the Tos.

how much time does it takes ?

like 2-3 weeks , some months ??

or do I have any other way to get my first order ,fast ?

Please suggest me something !!


Did you copy your gig description? That might be why.
Might also be because you have an unapproved link in your FAQ. I know that facebook link is going to a policy page, but it’s still not in the ‘okay’ list.

Guest herenthere

Did you copy your gig description? That might be why.

Might also be because you have an unapproved link in your FAQ. I know that facebook link is going to a policy page, but it’s still not in the ‘okay’ list.

No , I didn’t copied my Gig description. I have written my Gig description by my own .

So , should I removed that question from my FAQs section ??

Guest herenthere

Use this link, it will tell you if your gig is listed or not.

Thanks a lot @paultoole1


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