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Never showing my gig in 1st , 2nd ,3rd pages


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Hi there…,

Here is my honest review:

  1. T-Shirt Design Gigs.
    You aren’t familiar with this business. You mention .dpi while .dpi is for raster.
    While for T-shirt design you need to provide vector files. Printing Company will ask .ai or .pdf or .corell. If you doesn’t understand this basic, no wonder you can’t get any order.

  2. Logo design.
    Your work is below standart. You can’t compete with other professional seller.
    Especially for NEW SELLER, you need to show remarkable design so people will choose you over TRS / Lvl 2 Seller. Your current work just like a student works.
    Need to improve your skill greatly.

  3. DON’T Mention “FREE TRIAL” at your gig thumbnail.
    It shows that you are desperate seller need works. NOT PROFESSIONAL AT ALL.
    Professional Buyer will avoid you, while Scam buyer will took advantage.

  4. FAQS.
    Always put FAQS for all your gigs.
    This shows that you know your field, and can help them with their issue, makes you proffesional.

Best of Luck,

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