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Is it a bad thing to have too many gigs?

Guest praveenyt150

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Guest praveenyt150

Is it a bad thing to have too many gigs. Because I have 5 different gigs and I’m scared one day I might be flooded. But on the other hand, with more orders my revenue will be higher. What should I do?

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Guest praveenyt150

No it not but make sure all your gigs follow fiverr policy and gig Requiments…

I believe with this you would start getting order’s in due time also remember to send buyer request and promote your gigs

Ok thanks for advice

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I think having more gigs benefits you. With more gigs, you get greater exposure. Just make sure the gigs are not copies of each other and they each cover a different task that you can do. If you do feel that you may get a flood of orders, you can limit the amount of orders you get at once, so this doesn’t happen. Thanks, and have a nice day!

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Guest praveenyt150

You’re welcome, one more thing make sure all gigs aren’t taking same description, gig image’s or videos

To all who said the gigs should not be same. DONT WORRY they are all different things. Thanks for insight 💩

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