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Coming back to Fiverr after a break


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Thanks for visiting my profile. I am actually planning to take a break. Due to my current job schedule it is now difficult to be online for a longer period of time.I am not getting buyer requests as well.

So, I was thinking if it is ok to come back after a few months or someone has to start from the beginning in this case.

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In that case, just be sure to pause your gigs while you’re away. And no, there’s no reason to make replacement gigs when you come back. Update them, yes, as a break can help you catch things you may have missed when you made them. But there’s no need to delete.

Thank you so much. This will be helpful.

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I was away for 4 years before I came back. The one gig I have active from back then is still doing fine, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Just make sure you have your gigs paused so no one places an order while you’re gone.

Thanks. That’s reassuring 🙂

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I took a break from Fiverr for nearly a year due to ‘life’ happening.

All I did was pause my gigs. When I returned many months later my gigs were still paused. Within a week of returning I had my first order.

That’s great. Thanks for sharing your experience 🙂

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I need to know the pros and cons before taking a decision. There is no harm in learning about rules.

Lie is a very strong and disapproving word. Please do double check before using such words.

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