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Hi buddy is there any demand on Fiverr for convert psd category?


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I am new on Fiverr.
I am good at convert PSD. I had a gig before but that didn’t get any sell so I edited named as “Convert psd to html or xd figma ai sketch to html”
and I changed the category as

Programming And Tech => Web Programming => Convert PSD

I also gave gig metadata as
language : html, css
expertise : convert psd, cross browser compitability, w3c valid.

And in search tag I used psd to html, xd to html, sketch to html figma to html

I know it is not well optimised for on page SEO
but I don’t a get a single buyer request relevant to my topic on my buyer request section.

Is there still opportunity to get job on convert PSD on Fiverr?

Please expereinced buddies help me.

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Guest lloydsolutions

Thank you for editing and place the post on right category

Thank you bro

Tip: Suggest you do not address others as dear, brother, sister, man, mate, etc. as lots of people don’t like it and it will put many buyers off. Just a simple thanks is sufficient.

I typed “convert psd” in the Fiverr search bar and there were several thousand results.

Suggest you do some research by studying the gigs in this category.

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Thank you bro

Tip: Suggest you do not address others as dear, brother, sister, man, mate, etc. as lots of people don’t like it and it will put many buyers off. Just a simple thanks is sufficient.

I typed “convert psd” in the Fiverr search bar and there were several thousand results.

Suggest you do some research by studying the gigs in this category.

Thanks for your responses.

I am sorry if I embrace you.

Yes I am researching about gig but I had two gigs but on buyer request I got a lot of irrelevant buyer request with my topic. Even somedays I get no buyer request which is relevant to my gig services.

How can I solve this problem?

I want to get the buyer requests which is relevant with my gig.

[irrelevant examples: I opened a gig for developing website I got buyer request of developing API, Calculator etc which has nothing to do with me]

How can I get rid of this problem or solve this?

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Guest lloydsolutions

Thanks for your responses.

I am sorry if I embrace you.

Yes I am researching about gig but I had two gigs but on buyer request I got a lot of irrelevant buyer request with my topic. Even somedays I get no buyer request which is relevant to my gig services.

How can I solve this problem?

I want to get the buyer requests which is relevant with my gig.

[irrelevant examples: I opened a gig for developing website I got buyer request of developing API, Calculator etc which has nothing to do with me]

How can I get rid of this problem or solve this?

I want to get the buyer requests which is relevant with my gig.

Check this out:

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I took a glance at your profile, and if I may, please see (IMG) point 2:

Introduction– This is not a list on how to make gigs. This is for gigs that are already made that are under-performing, need an overhaul, or just need somewhere to start for self-evaluation/education. It does contain a few general-information bits, and can help during gig creation, but that is neither the focus nor the intent. For more information on any of the following sections or points, please see ‘Other Resources’ under (RRD) at the end of this post. Sections: (TCT) Title, Category, and…

There are also a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section.

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