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If you had a or many bad experiences with a seller this topic is for you

Guest malaika9

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Guest malaika9

I finally decided to open a topic to talk about my bad experience with sellers here on Fiverr. I need to put their name on a red flag for buyer to know what to expect when ordering a gig from these seller. I am at the point where I have a credit of 50$ on my account because for the past month all I have been doing is written to the resolution center to complain.

I am not someone complicated only someone who knows what she wants and don’t want. What I’ve come to realized is that when the seller ask you information about your project you think is because he is a professional who will work to provide you with the best quality of service. FASLE.

I had this one profile id: FRAGGLESROCK that was suppose to help me do my business plan. I took my time explaining to him on a 1 page long my project and what I want. Guess what he did: He COPY AND PASTE every bit of my info, put it on a word file add general information that you can find everywhere and sent it to me. At this point I was like: really, really? When I pressed on the request modification button that was on the 17th of February, the guy still haven’t reply to me.

The problem that I been having with sellers on Fiverr is their lack of communication. I had this one named FRAGGLESROCK. After I ordered the gig from him I waited like 3 days without hearing anything from him when he finally decided to show up, I received a message from fiverr saying good news FRAGGLESROCK delivered you work. What work? How did he do that he didn’t even ask me nothing about my project. I came to find out that his gig is to send people an excel file on how to start a business. So I was like, give me my money back cause if FRAGGLESROCK had had write to me on the very first day and ask me question I would have told him that oups, I made a mistake by ordering your gig, lets have a mutual cancellation. But he didn’t and once again I lost 5$.

These are two stories among so many others that I have encountered here and I’ve decided to flag these poor quality seller because we as buyer even if it’s only for 5$ we deserve to be treat with respect.

I will open a topic now everything I feel that I haven’t received a good service. Beware sellers

Sheriff’s note: No matter what your complaint about a buyer OR seller, you cannot ‘call out’ the names on the forum. All matters need to be dealt with by customer support or direct with the fiverr user. Posts WILL be removed if this is not respected.


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