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My Impression have dropped to hundred from thousands


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We all know the issue we had on fiverr with our impressions. I had around really good impressions on Fiverr before but now that I was able to view my gig impression it seems like my impressions have dropped really badly. I feel extremely disappointed because I worked real hard on them. My gig is no longer available on search page. I know people think that it doesn’t matter much, but trust me if our gig is on the first page we do get a lot of orders. I just don’t know what to do. I feel really disappointed and sad.

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We all get that, even experienced sellers, top rated sellers and pro sellers. That’s called gigs rotation and fiverr doesn’t guarantee to keep your gig on first page all the time, it gives a chance to everyone

I can understand, it was normal before. Sometimes my gig was up sometime it was down. But now it is basally dropped from K’s to hundred. It was kind of very disappointing. I think I had up 6000 impressions before now I only have 603 on my best seller gig.

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I can understand, it was normal before. Sometimes my gig was up sometime it was down. But now it is basally dropped from K’s to hundred. It was kind of very disappointing. I think I had up 6000 impressions before now I only have 603 on my best seller gig.

I think I had up 6000 impressions before now I only have 603 on my best seller gig.

And as I said, we all went through that and actually going from time to time.

It happened to me, it happened to others. I am going through this period right now. But it’s only up to you to build a business that doesn’t rely on fiverr impressions.

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I noticed you have been on the platform for about 18 months. It takes awhile to get some traction. I had very few orders in my first 18 months, but then things just took off. However, I did not have to compete with the influx of new sellers due to the pandemic. :roll_eyes:

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I read your message, I think nobody solution this problem, I have some gig (like my backlink gig) show 2 or 3 pages received a lot of order, suddenly dropped my gig without any reason. not found any pages my gig, this time some old buyer ordered me (no new buyer ) after one month (or more) my gig back 10th page, day by day up, now show 4th, recently I had updated my gig picture, gig position same, unfortunately again my order too low. so way wait and see and try hard.

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