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My fiverr experience? Just disappointing


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Hey everyone,
I’ve heard fiverr about 2 weeks ago and after some contemplating on my own I decided to give it a shot. I setup my account and started my gig 5 days ago. Gig seems to be active, no apparent issue other than the renowned “orange message” at the top saying everything ok expect the gig analytics. But for the life of me my gig doesn’t appear in searches. So I sent a ticket, it’s been 3 days and no reply… I don’t know what to do now and sadly this is my fiverr experience as of right now. I honestly expected a little more care about the customers, but I guess I should not bother fiverr any further with his…

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Guest jimmyd1voicex10

Like you, I started my account with 3-gigs (all are loaded) but I don’t show up in searches. I have not upgraded my account and glad I didn’t! I feel I’ve wasted time in this effort. Why do the work and not show up in searches. I realize I’d have a better chance (so they say) if I actually upgraded but if nothings showing at this level, why put down money for more of the same? Disenchanted!

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Fiverr support can take up until weeks. And you need to work alot, optimise your gig, make it unique and if your in a very competitive market (like video editing), consider picking your niche.

Thank you for your reply!

It’s not that my gig is appearing but at the bottom, I would accept it being at the dead bottom of the list. My gig never appears in searches, it is not existing as of right now, although it shows as active.

It is also very sad to hear, that things can take up to 3 months to get sorted out by fiverr…

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