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Autopilot On Fiverr- Your experience?

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Hi Fiverr’ss

So during this Covid-19 thing my gig has been on autopilot.
Of course I’ve noticed a sharp decline in orders due to my obligations during this trying time.
Do you think i’m not tickling and touching my gigs enough, or is it simply the fact companies have slowed business down.
What do you think I should be doing so Fiverr doesn’t think I’ve abandoned the platform?
In other words what is considered been active on Fiverr?

Feedback appreciated

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Granted, I am not working in the same category but I can tell that for me personally, Covid had no negative effect on the orders or messages I receive per day. If anything, the numbers increased by a lot.

I’ve had a look at your gigs and I’m not quite sure what the competition is charging, etc. but perhaps you could bump up your sales a bit by decreasing the delivery time or by adding gig packages that offer less words for a lower price? Aside from that, your gigs look good to me and I really like your voice!

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Granted, I am not working in the same category but I can tell that for me personally, Covid had no negative effect on the orders or messages I receive per day. If anything, the numbers increased by a lot.

I’ve had a look at your gigs and I’m not quite sure what the competition is charging, etc. but perhaps you could bump up your sales a bit by decreasing the delivery time or by adding gig packages that offer less words for a lower price? Aside from that, your gigs look good to me and I really like your voice!

adding gig packages

I’m pretty sure you can’t do that for gigs under the voice over category. I at least have never seen the option to do so.

For us, the way around it is to reduce your prices but also reduce words offered. For example, instead of charging $10 for 500 words, charge $5 for 250 and have it go up by $5 per 250 words. Screenshot included for anyone curious about what that looks like:


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adding gig packages

I’m pretty sure you can’t do that for gigs under the voice over category. I at least have never seen the option to do so.

For us, the way around it is to reduce your prices but also reduce words offered. For example, instead of charging $10 for 500 words, charge $5 for 250 and have it go up by $5 per 250 words. Screenshot included for anyone curious about what that looks like:


u can’t do that for gigs

Really? That’s so strange, why can’t voice actors have gig packages?

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u can’t do that for gigs

Really? That’s so strange, why can’t voice actors have gig packages?

I’m not sure. I’ve used Fiverr for about 3 years now, always as a voice actor, and have never seen that option for my gigs.

I wondered if it was because there was no point, given example I provided, but it seems like your gigs function the same way so it doesn’t really make sense.

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I’m not sure. I’ve used Fiverr for about 3 years now, always as a voice actor, and have never seen that option for my gigs.

I wondered if it was because there was no point, given example I provided, but it seems like your gigs function the same way so it doesn’t really make sense.

I assumed the gig packages are a tool that was available for every category at this point, my bad. Then your suggestion to lower prices and word count seems like the best alternative to that.

I proofread and translate on Fiverr, and I always struggle a bit to figure out what to use the packages for because if they wanted 1000 words instead of 500, they could just order the gig twice, I wouldn’t need to use up a package for that but then again, if I turn them off I am somehow missing them.

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adding gig packages

I’m pretty sure you can’t do that for gigs under the voice over category. I at least have never seen the option to do so.

For us, the way around it is to reduce your prices but also reduce words offered. For example, instead of charging $10 for 500 words, charge $5 for 250 and have it go up by $5 per 250 words. Screenshot included for anyone curious about what that looks like:


You are correct, however my gaming VO does allow for packages.

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