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Hello everyone. I am new seller at fiverr.As a newbee, can you give me some advice about how to grow my profile.I am a logo Artist


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It’s holiday season in a lot of countries, some gigs become more popular because of it, but most gigs are less popular (buyers are on holiday). Anyway, you had a delivery 7 days ago, don’t panic, orders should start coming again soon. Stay positive 🙂

Thank you very much for your words. In that following month my order competition was 89 percent so that I lose my level 1 seller badge but now, now it is 90%. I am eligible for level 2 seller, I am very nervous for that. That is why I am feeling very panic. I am trying to overcome it, but as you know sometime it is herd

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Well my gig were and still are out of search since early to mid-november. I can’t be found in search at all, so I had to rely on older customers coming back. There’s nothing you can do. Unfortunately due to the pandemic a lot of people came to Fiverr to work online, and that messed up ranking and growth for a lot of older sellers. But… it was to be expected at one point…

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Guest shuvo14500

Thank you very much for your words. In that following month my order competition was 89 percent so that I lose my level 1 seller badge but now, now it is 90%. I am eligible for level 2 seller, I am very nervous for that. That is why I am feeling very panic. I am trying to overcome it, but as you know sometime it is herd

Don’t be afraid, i hope very soon you get a job. Best wishes for you brother.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The last year was so difficult for all the economic areas, specially for the tourism as well as the small businesses.
Nevertheless, there are so many experts who think the arrival of the vaccine will help to the economic recovery of all the enterprises.
Maybe this doesn’t bring an immediate effect, but since September 2021 we can see a great motivation of the people for buying, going to restaurants or travelling around the world.
For that reason, in Vipealo we want to keep the contact with our customers also in this situation. So, I recommend you to increase your presence in the social media, trying to be always on the mind of the customer

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The last year was so difficult for all the economic areas, specially for the tourism as well as the small businesses.

Nevertheless, there are so many experts who think the arrival of the vaccine will help to the economic recovery of all the enterprises.

Maybe this doesn’t bring an immediate effect, but since September 2021 we can see a great motivation of the people for buying, going to restaurants or travelling around the world.

For that reason, in Vipealo we want to keep the contact with our customers also in this situation. So, I recommend you to increase your presence in the social media, trying to be always on the mind of the customer

It is a shame that you have to turn every conversation into a blatant advert for yourself. It diminishes your credibility every time you do it.


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  • 2 months later...

Hellow, I do like this 3 things as ikethis moment.

  1. Learn more (there is no limitation to learning)
  2. Practicing more things about fiverr and about real life task (coding, desiging etc)
    3 reading or watching videos from youtube (how to read from youtube? YES! not all video only camera record, some video have text and voice. )
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Review your Gigs and delete the ones that are not performing.

Update Gig Descriptions, profile details.

Build your freelance career on other platforms (do NOT rely on Fiverr to be your only source of freelance income).

Develop a website to cross promote your freelance work.

Add new Gigs as you expand your skill set.

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  • 3 months later...

I am a mid level logo and brand identity designer. I want to learn a lot about logo and brand identity design. I always look for best resource for scale up my design carrier.

I know, in our fiverr community, there are lots of people who is experts in Brand identity field. As a part of that community we all have responsibilities to help one another.

I have always look for great resource for learning branding design. For that I see lots of free and premium video tutorials. But I know, Book is the best knowledge provider. I always read personal development books. Now I want to experience some book knowledge about logo and brand identity design. I know fiverr community has this platform to share knowledge and experience. Now I need a book suggestion for logo and brand identity design. Please give me Best book suggestion for logo and brand identity design.

I hope everyone on the fiverr community will help me for this. Best wishes to all. I want to thank all of you in advance, Thank you very much. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

You should master your existing Skill first, if you think you've learnt EVERYTHING & there's nothing left to be explored in Branding Designs, ask yourself what you LOVE to do the most? Do you enjoy logo creation or UI/UX?
As learning new skill isn't of any worth if you're not PRO in your existing skill and your next skill will help only if you are passionate for that too. 

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  • 11 months later...

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