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Earned my first 5$


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I’m so very very happy with the Fiverr… I earned my first 5$ from the Fiverr and I just wait 14 days after today I transfer my balance funds to my Paypal account. I wanted to give my thanking for the Fiverr and all of you… Thank you so much !!!

I wish you all can be make a very very high income by the Fiverr… :x

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that’s great! i remember how excited I was when I got my first sale, i was surprised that people had an interest in my work.

but word of advise i would recommend you to take money from your fiverr to your Paypal when you reach something like 50 dollars or 100 because transferring money from fiverr to Paypal takes 1 dollar per transfer.

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  • 3 months later...

well making 5 dollars is not that big deal. in fact i made 10 dollars in only one day investing 30 minutes and waiting like 24 hours to get my 10 dollars immediately on Paypal. Just go to FRAGGLESROCK.com and get free access to 10 dollars which is a way that works with anyone and available at any time by completing 4 simple steps. It is a proven way and used by many people.

Sheriff’s Note: Off Fiverr links is not allowed.

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