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What's your daily take? Your best day?


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So far, my best day has been a fifty dollar day. Today was forty. Hoping to keep that pretty steady. I’m usually doing about five to ten dollars a day. Slowed down a bit, I was taking fifteen to twenty a day. I was surprised, I’ve only been here six weeks and a day total now and have made 46 sales. I’m pretty pleased. 🙂

What are your selling techniques? How do you advertise and get your gig out there?

I’ve found the forum to be a useful tool, I use FB, twitter and more… My gigs are pretty specifically tailored - there are hundreds of groups with ten thousand plus people who need my services, I’m pretty lucky in that regard…

What do you use?

How long until you saw a fifty dollar day?

Sheriff’s Note: Forum Photos should be 670(width) x 315(height) pixels


Reply to @cheezees: My IP changes every two minutes. My email address does not relate to me in anyway. The email address used to log into Fiverr is not the same as the FB connect log-in. MY FB account runs on HTTPS and I change the server it’s on every day. I have all Fb security set up. I’ve been hacking for ten years.

The NSA hasn’t been able to get into my accounts.

Anyone who tries gets a nasty worm that eats all their files and bricks their hard drive.

What you’ve said is almost backwards logic and likely started as a rumor by Fiverr staff to discourage discussing finances in the same way that employers don’t like their workers telling each other how much they make.

As a hacker, I already know who makes the most money on Fiverr. 50 dollars a day? Paltry. I would look at the TRS and the Super-Sellers exclusively. Maybe a few of these people who are ‘making more than their part-time/full-time job.’ They are the ones whose accounts are worth the most and worth the trouble of hacking.

I’m not dishonest and would never do such a thing - but the accounts worth hacking are advertised on Fiverr’s home page, so if discussing finances made you vulnerable to hacking, then Fiverr is doing the advertising for us.


I hope you know your Gig violates Fiverr’s Third-Parties Terms of Service, right? Don’t be shocked when it gets pulled down one day and you’re putting your account here on Fiverr at risk of being placed under restriction or worse shut down all together (and without warning).

The Amazon.com guidelines prohibit positive reviews for products in which the the author/lister has a financial investment in.


My Gig also says nothing about posting on Amazon. Merely points out that I’m a Top Amazon Reviewer - that’s a character reference, not an advertisement to violate a TOS, or even to post on Amazon. It distinctly says 'your reviewing platform of choice.'

If the customer asks me to post on Amazon, I have the right to refuse and the right to not disclose where I post my reviews.

The photos - many reviewing sites mimic Amazon’s UI, as it is streamlined, efficient and popular. The photos are blurred out so there is no concrete evidence that it is posted on Amazon at all.

My log-in to Amazon and to this site are different. My Facebook is not linked to either one. My usernames are different.

Also, multiple sites, which are NOT violated by TOS have 'verified reviews.'

Need to learn your legalese. 🙂


Nor do I advertise positive reviews. I advertise honest reviews - therefore, they are technically paying me to read, not to review. Fiverr will only pull it down if Amazon sends a direct objection to Fiverr staff. I’ve already asked about it.


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