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Order cancelled after completed


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I want to know as buyer, they can do everything?

In start he said he need to convert html to wordpress.

I agree with all content will be same. and all design customize as template. Basically this is what i did in my another order. They are really happy. After somedays he said to me i toch his live server and change his database while he didnot share me his live server access. But he said me he has better idea than me. I have a problem with electricity and mobile network, so i delivered the order as late that i said him “i have internet problem i will upload his as soon as posible”. He agreed with me. After deliver the work , his localhost not working,while i always setup the work in live server. And the work working better in my localhost and i have another pc that was working better. He said if its not solve, i have to cancel order while i was already done. For his request and i am not agree with cancel. I update the by using advance function. (the budget is too low); After its working , he requested he need all content will be editable. He has 28 pages, but he in massage he has need only 7 page. However, for 28page editable min 90$. I said him about this. he said i have to cancel the order. For his request and i am not agree with cancel. I did it i spend full night for this. And after finish the work, i gave him 2 start riview. Then fiverr customer support cancelled my order. I sure they didnot check the order.

Mod Note: Username removed.

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