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Should I just cancel?


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So, I ordered a gig from this seller, 4.9 stars, really positive reviews. Good communication before the order, we reached an agreement, everything fine.

A week later I expect the project to be sent once it’s due time, but order is not delievered.Status is “out of office”. I sent a message, and after 8 hours the answer is that they’re sorry and that they’re overloaded with requests (but… I already made the order, shouldn’t I be the first one in line? how does that work exactly? weird). I’m a bit frustrated but ok, when they’ll be able to deliver? in two or three hours, tops.

nearly another 6 hours pass. I get a message that they’re deeply sorry about all this, but that they’re nearly half way through my request and that they’ll send it asap. Now… you didn’t even finish half the project until now? You know, I get that sellers are in pressure sometimes, but I think that at least they could have talked with me about expending delivery time, no? well, nada.

Now after more than 24 hours late, I am not sure what to do. I feel kind of annoyed about this and not even sure I want this project anymore. should I give it a few more hours? or just cancel? I don’t want to be the one lowering the seller’s rating, but I payed for something I didn’t get. should I just cancel?


Sometimes I got also overloaded with orders, but i keep sitting even 12-15h a day to make it happen to vbe delivered on promissed delivery date. I do it by the line, who first ordered , that ones get first, second gets second, one by one.


You’re allowed to cancel of course if they’re late with delivering your order. I always believe that a person shouldn’t bite more than they can chew. Providing good customer service is a freelancer’s job and if you feel that the communication was lacking and if they are not sincere or if the order was late, those are all good reasons to cancel the order.


You’re allowed to cancel of course if they’re late with delivering your order. I always believe that a person shouldn’t bite more than they can chew. Providing good customer service is a freelancer’s job and if you feel that the communication was lacking and if they are not sincere or if the order was late, those are all good reasons to cancel the order.

Totally agree, if the promissed to bring down the order one week time, and if its already one week late, i would go for cancelation


So, I ordered a gig from this seller, 4.9 stars, really positive reviews. Good communication before the order, we reached an agreement, everything fine.

A week later I expect the project to be sent once it’s due time, but order is not delievered.Status is “out of office”. I sent a message, and after 8 hours the answer is that they’re sorry and that they’re overloaded with requests (but… I already made the order, shouldn’t I be the first one in line? how does that work exactly? weird). I’m a bit frustrated but ok, when they’ll be able to deliver? in two or three hours, tops.

nearly another 6 hours pass. I get a message that they’re deeply sorry about all this, but that they’re nearly half way through my request and that they’ll send it asap. Now… you didn’t even finish half the project until now? You know, I get that sellers are in pressure sometimes, but I think that at least they could have talked with me about expending delivery time, no? well, nada.

Now after more than 24 hours late, I am not sure what to do. I feel kind of annoyed about this and not even sure I want this project anymore. should I give it a few more hours? or just cancel? I don’t want to be the one lowering the seller’s rating, but I payed for something I didn’t get. should I just cancel?

Status is “out of office”

Sellers sometimes turn “Out of Office” mode on when they’re overbooked.

but… I already made the order, shouldn’t I be the first one in line?

Not if there were others who have ordered before you.

You know, I get that sellers are in pressure sometimes, but I think that at least they could have talked with me about expending delivery time, no?

A responsible seller would have informed you in advance, and sent a request to extend the delivery time. Not delivering on time affects the seller’s account, so sellers normally try to avoid that.

The seller might have had a family emergency, especially during the pandemic, but then again, perhaps they’re simply irresponsible.

Now after more than 24 hours late

When the order is over 48 hours late, it will be in “Very Late” status, and you’ll be able to cancel without waiting for the seller to accept (or refuse) the cancellation.


This is exactly why I bang on in these forums about sellers setting realistic gig delivery times.

When are some sellers going to learn that by not hitting deadlines they are creating stress for them and the client, certainly annoying the client, risking the order being cancelled - thereby losing time and money, risking their stats, etc?

It is far better for sellers to allow an extra day for delivery on their gigs, and to always deliver on time. Sure, as a seller you might lose one or two orders from buyers who want a quick delivery, but you’ve got to look at the bigger picture of remaining consistent with your business. There are enough tools provided by Fiver for sellers to manage their workload by limiting orders and setting delivery times. There is no excuse.

It sounds like you’ve been tolerant with the seller. Maybe give it to the end of the day and then cancel. As a seller, I hate to write that - but you’re being messed about.


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