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Confused about gig time countdown


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Recently i got a gig ordered .I checked for the gig orders before going to sleep about 11PM and i didn’t find any orders. I woke up in the morning and logged into fiverr and observed that i got a gig order and when i clicked on the order the clock counter showed that i have only 5 hours time to deliver.Anyway i managed to deliver in time. My gig time is 1 day.

Could anyone tell me when actually the countdown starts for a gig?

when it is ordered?? or when we log into fiverr and click on the gig order from “TODO” menu.


That is strange. I check my gig orders so often because I worry about missing deadlines, but my counter has been consistent and reliable. And it only starts counting when the Buyer submits the info I need to start working on the Gig. The timer doesn’t start when the click on the purchase gig button. They have to take the second step.

Sorry to hear about your situation. I’m glad you were able to complete.


This has come up for me. If the seller has instructions for the buyer, the timer activates when the buyer has sent a message to the seller on the order page, presumably in response to the seller’s instructions.

If the seller does not have instructions for the buyer, the timer starts as soon as the order is placed.


I have noticed that if you keep a browser open with a ticking countdown on it for a long while, that it eventually will get quite far out of sync with the actual deadline, which can cause you quite a nasty surprise when you refresh the window.

Happened to me a few times before I got in the habit of more frequently refreshing the page, or just looking at my ‘To Do’ summary for deadlines as opposed to opening the order page itself.


Leaving your system on/remaining logged in to Fiverr could give a wrong/distorted impression of timing.I delivered a Gig in 40+ mins yet it says I had a 6 hour response time.Also, different Time Zones seem not to be considered.


Reply to @ispeakthetruth: Your response time is not the same as the delivery time. The response time ONLY refers to the time it takes for you to answer the 1st message (not an order) anyone sends you in a series of messages. So if I send you a message and you respond in 30 minutes to the 1st message, I write you back immediately and you write me back 10 hours after that, your response time for that series would be “1 hr”…or “1 hrs” as Fiverr says it…hehehe since that’s the lowest time denomination they have.

So, it is unrelated to orders. 🙂


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