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Why is the Fiverr support so bad?

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Hello there, all my fiverr customer support experiences have been great and resolved quickly, but due to Covid quarantine situation it might take CS a little more time to get back to you but rest assured they’ll address your issue soon!
Good luck and stay safe.


I don’t see how this is urgent as such though.
If someone is doing that then change passwords, contact your hosting company etc.
All support can do is organize a refund and take action against the seller, neither of which is any more urgent than other cases.


I don’t see how this is urgent as such though.

If someone is doing that then change passwords, contact your hosting company etc.

All support can do is organize a refund and take action against the seller, neither of which is any more urgent than other cases.

Yes is urgent, because he is messing with my configurations and only he can solve it (without loosing ALL MY DATA) Let’s talk about urgency…


Yes is urgent, because he is messing with my configurations and only he can solve it (without loosing ALL MY DATA) Let’s talk about urgency…

You are hoping that the person hijacking your site will stop suddenly and then fix it all? That doesn’t make sense to me at all, and it’s not something support could do anything about either I don’t imagine (aside from what I mentioned above).


Yes is urgent, because he is messing with my configurations and only he can solve it (without loosing ALL MY DATA) Let’s talk about urgency…

Yes is urgent, because he is messing with my configurations and only he can solve it (without loosing ALL MY DATA) Let’s talk about urgency…

Hi, I understand what you mean about it being urgent but customer support is not able to stop what he is doing. They can’t control that.


Yes is urgent, because he is messing with my configurations and only he can solve it (without loosing ALL MY DATA) Let’s talk about urgency…

Hi, I understand what you mean about it being urgent but customer support is not able to stop what he is doing. They can’t control that.

Customer service should take action immediately in these cases. He/she could be a scammer and be scamming several other buyers.


Customer service should take action immediately in these cases. He/she could be a scammer and be scamming several other buyers.

How can customer support at fiverr make him stop? Are you asking for them to make him stop messing with your site? Can you change the password?

Or are you asking for them to ban his account?


While I understand experiences might be different, I always find Fiverr Support to be one of the greatest in IT industry. The same level of support you can eventually get on Google Cloud / Enterprise and probably nowhere else.

Do allow them some time. All companies are affected with Covid situation, you need to understand even Google is responding after a couple of hours for enterprise customers while the time usually 5 minutes.

With all being said, you should always make a full backup of your server prior to starting a gig with anyone. Personally, as PRO seller in Data Protection I do insist on my customers to make a full backup. Not because I intent to do harm, but as a measure of precaution. If you had single point of failure (all the files on the single place) - you were already in problem you would be paying sooner or latter. If it’s not a bad gig, it would be a storage drive failure or similar latter on.

Simply turn off your server via IDRAC / IMPI / iLO if you have a dedicated server or do it from your control panel if it’s VPS. If you are unsure, contact your hosting company.

Always consult with the seller prior to buying, have an open discussion and of course check rating of others. This is a great community with many world top talented sellers, yet giving your root password to someone you did not take prior discussion to establish a trust and determinate the level of professionalism is never a good idea.

Good seller will take time to address any questions you may have prior to an order and spend time with you in friendly and professional manner discussing the project and providing some consulting. If this is absent, it could be a sign of a trouble.

Unfortunately, I can see sporadic buyers who come with this sort of issues. Usually it’s a result trying to hire someone to make them a rocket for a few bucks, eventually getting catch by bad intentioned seller of questionable credibility, then we spend a ton more time and money recovering the data. If it’s too good to be truth - it is probably not. Check the average price of other sellers for the same service.

I am sure support will handle your request (at least all of mines are always handled the best possible way) just take some patience and turn off your server. You can always ask the collocation company to turn off your uplinks as well.

Absolutely always ensure you don’t have a single point of failure. Even in worst case scenario, you will learn a valuable lesson. Next time if you hire someone to do work on a productional environment and he don’t insist on backup creation or he is not concerned if you have one - better stay away, as it rings a bell of trouble. No credible professional will ever do a job on production without planing a disaster recovery.



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