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On the verge of 5

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Hello Everyone,

It is my first time on Forum so I don’t know much about the trend here. But, slowly I will learn. I just felt like communicating and sharing my experience with the Fiverr world. Until now, everything is great. It’s a wonderful platform that gives both sellers and buyers a fair chance to get their job done. However, one point that I don’t like is something about the rating part. Some buyers, even when they are 100% satisfied with the job, drop the rating as 4 or 4.7. I don’t find any way to how to resolve this issue.

It feels bad when you put 100% and get 90% in return. A fair ROI is always appreciated. And here, a seller invests his/her efforts to fetch them good returns in terms of ratings.

Please suggest me the ways. And, pardon me if I have made any mistake; it’s my first time in the forum. 🙂



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