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On gig number of days average is too large...what can I do to lower it?

Guest mcromano

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Guest mcromano

I had a few buyers previously who wanted illustrations for their children’s books, and ordered like 10 gigs at a time, even though my deadline was a few days…they told me it was no problem and not to rush, so of course I did an image in 1-2 days. My customers were pleased, I was pleased, but the issue is… now the average number of days that’s shown on the gig page is 13 days! 😦 It’s deterring my future customers, even though my deadline date is 5-7 days :((

What can I do to lower it? Deliver in one day to get the average down? Or is there another method?

Guest mcromano

Reply to @madmoo: Oh, I see your issue! Maybe I should write in my description the cause of the big average (buyers who ordered lots of gigs at the same time for their book illustrations)…thanks for the advice!

The thing with me was - I usually deliver within 5 days. However, clients that wanted book illustrations ordered say, 10 gigs at a time, but didn’t expect me to hurry and do sloppy work, so I delivered later, in a week or more, causing the average time to become higher.


Put a note in your gig description asking buyers to contact you first to discuss their project. That way you can ask them to order a couple of pages at a time. Also you get to find out exactly want they want, and they can find out exactly what you will deliver. It saves misunderstandings and is a more professional way to work I think. Good luck with it.


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