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Seller hasn't responded, order due in 2 days


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I would wonder why, after I placed the order, the seller didn’t even bother to send me a message. I would feel puzzled. I don’t want my clients to ever feel that way. I guess we are all different with some more casual about all this.

I doubt if I would hire them a second time.

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This is a truly rare moment where I disagree with @mariashtelle1 and @arty182925

And that is absolutely fine.

There is no black and white where you either respond on new order or not. There are shades of grey and it depend on a situation. If it’s a totally new order then of course we will write a follow up message to let client know that we received it.

In this situation I don’t think it’s necessary as they chatted right before the order. I still would’ve sent them a message with “great, I got it” just to let them know that payment went trough but I also don’t feel that it’s necessary and we don’t know if the seller didn’t respond at all or if the OP just wanted to get updates further on after a couple of days.

We all work differently, and there’s no one right way to do things.

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I had one buyer who got seriously offended there was less hand-holding on my part than they’d prefer. The rest were fine with the way I do things in that regard. I do come across like a grump, though, so maybe they just accept me as I am from the get-go and know what they’re getting into. 🙂

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I had one buyer who got seriously offended there was less hand-holding on my part than they’d prefer. The rest were fine with the way I do things in that regard. I do come across like a grump, though, so maybe they just accept me as I am from the get-go and know what they’re getting into. 🙂 It actually, if the seller is talented enough can be reassuring.

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I have some anxiety about orders I place wondering what I will get in the end so knowing how good a seller is from the start allows me some leeway in how I react when they are firm in their messages. 🙂 It actually, if the seller is talented enough can be reassuring.

I place wondering what I will get in the end so knowing how good a seller is from the start

I come from a culture where quality work overweight chit chat. And actually people in my home country wouldn’t trust a person who is holding your hand, chatting with you so much etc, that will get people suspicious. There is still mentality if you are good at what you do you wouldn’t have time on useless chatting and giving updates every day. Good specialist is busy doing not speaking. And there are buyers who also appreciate straight forward and let’s get to the business approach.

But that’s just a mentality of one country, and it totally doesn’t mean that I don’t communicate with my clients, I do and quite a lot, but still keeping it distant and professional.

So my point: it’s an international platform and everyone comes from different culture. If my client wants to chat- I will chat with them, however they need to at least send me a message to let me know that they would like to receive updates. But it looks like the OP instead of messaging her seller, posted here on the forum :woman_shrugging: Her seller is not a mind reader.

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It only takes a minute to answer a new order with at least a greeting.

Why would seller send a greeting if they had a chat right before placing an order, discussed details, seller even offered a discount and sent an offer.

It will be quite weird to say “hello” after all that.

But I agree that OP can always request an update. However it’s not necessary if there is still time left in the order. We also don’t know from which country that seller working and what’s their situation. Some countries right now suffering in bad internet connection (even including developed countries as a UK) and might not be able to give an update in time.

I still don’t see a point of panicking as of yet.

But I agree that OP can always request an update. However it’s not necessary if there is still time left in the order. We also don’t know from which country that seller working and what’s their situation.

I agree with @mariashtelle1 100%.

I’ve just had a buyer who said “hey you’ve said you were going to deliver tomorrow, I still haven’t received anything” I said, yes, its 10.49 AM here, I am in Europe. Its coming". The guy was in USA.

The majority of those few who ask “how’s it going” are friendly, only looking for a quick confirmation that we’re on track. I only say, hey its on the way" and thats it. 5 seconds, thats all fine with me. I have nothing against those kind of messages.

However, I had only one client who started pushing one week before the official delivery time, “where is my order, where is my order” where I needed to explain how things work and why I’m delivering next week. That was strange and annoying and really takes time we can otherwise spend working on the delivery. And it stresses me not knowing if this guy will give me a bad review only because HE doesn’t understand how things work. Those questions are A total waste of time and energy so its good not to have them.

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I place wondering what I will get in the end so knowing how good a seller is from the start

I come from a culture where quality work overweight chit chat. And actually people in my home country wouldn’t trust a person who is holding your hand, chatting with you so much etc, that will get people suspicious. There is still mentality if you are good at what you do you wouldn’t have time on useless chatting and giving updates every day. Good specialist is busy doing not speaking. And there are buyers who also appreciate straight forward and let’s get to the business approach.

But that’s just a mentality of one country, and it totally doesn’t mean that I don’t communicate with my clients, I do and quite a lot, but still keeping it distant and professional.

So my point: it’s an international platform and everyone comes from different culture. If my client wants to chat- I will chat with them, however they need to at least send me a message to let me know that they would like to receive updates. But it looks like the OP instead of messaging her seller, posted here on the forum :woman_shrugging: Her seller is not a mind reader.

I come from a culture where quality work overweight chit chat.

Same. Doesn’t mean I’m an uncultured savage but I can’t help but view the process this way.

But cultural discussion is a different beast altogether.

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I place wondering what I will get in the end so knowing how good a seller is from the start

I come from a culture where quality work overweight chit chat. And actually people in my home country wouldn’t trust a person who is holding your hand, chatting with you so much etc, that will get people suspicious. There is still mentality if you are good at what you do you wouldn’t have time on useless chatting and giving updates every day. Good specialist is busy doing not speaking. And there are buyers who also appreciate straight forward and let’s get to the business approach.

But that’s just a mentality of one country, and it totally doesn’t mean that I don’t communicate with my clients, I do and quite a lot, but still keeping it distant and professional.

So my point: it’s an international platform and everyone comes from different culture. If my client wants to chat- I will chat with them, however they need to at least send me a message to let me know that they would like to receive updates. But it looks like the OP instead of messaging her seller, posted here on the forum :woman_shrugging: Her seller is not a mind reader.

I come from a culture where quality work overweight chit chat.

But unless you are 100% convinced you are getting quality work then some comments that reassure the buyer can go a long way. And I’m guessing most buyers are almost never 100% convinced they will be getting quality work until the see the final result.

But about the initial welcome message, it’s just basic customer service.

Even at Walmart they have a person who stands at the door saying “welcome to Walmart” and people don’t say “I know I’m in Walmart why did you say that?”

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I always acknowledge that I’ve received the order, at the very least. Otherwise it depends on how big/long the order is, and if I’ve set up a communication schedule ahead of time.

Most businesses with public interaction greet visitors. How frequently they interact with the customer after that greeting varies by industry. A rather large part of service is reading the customer. Do they want to chat? Do they just want to be left alone? This is harder to do without seeing them in person, because there are literally no cues. (Thus why scheduled communication is part of my service.)

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I’ve been lurking in this thread for most of the day because the discussion here is actually quite interesting, even if it has strayed away from the original post. Is there something like a guidebook or manual (or maybe even a thread) for this topic? It seems most people here have varying ideas of how one should interact with buyers and how often, and I’d be quite interested to know what the most accepted way is.

EDIT: To play into that, how would buyers like to see us sellers interact with them? To compare both points of view.

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I’ve been lurking in this thread for most of the day because the discussion here is actually quite interesting, even if it has strayed away from the original post. Is there something like a guidebook or manual (or maybe even a thread) for this topic? It seems most people here have varying ideas of how one should interact with buyers and how often, and I’d be quite interested to know what the most accepted way is.

EDIT: To play into that, how would buyers like to see us sellers interact with them? To compare both points of view.

I have an automated “thanks for the order” message set up. I think it’s a great idea to reply quickly when contacted for review purposes, clients may get less than satisfied otherwise. However, they can’t cancel just because I don’t reply.

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I’ve been lurking in this thread for most of the day because the discussion here is actually quite interesting, even if it has strayed away from the original post. Is there something like a guidebook or manual (or maybe even a thread) for this topic? It seems most people here have varying ideas of how one should interact with buyers and how often, and I’d be quite interested to know what the most accepted way is.

EDIT: To play into that, how would buyers like to see us sellers interact with them? To compare both points of view.

Well, It should be the buyer’s responsibility to openly state an agreement that you’d be receiving status updates. It should also be the seller’s responsibility to read the submission details.

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