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How to get orders so I can support my family


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Hey there! I’ve been on Fiverr for about 2-3 weeks and I’ve gotten a lot of views on my gigs. The problem is I haven’t been able to get many orders. I only have gotten one and that’s a problem because I am doing this to help support my family. What should I do? The link to my account is https://www.fiverr.com/carusom1


Unfortunately no one can tell you how to get orders. It’s buyers deciding if they want to hire you or not.

If you have views and clicks but no one is buying that means that something putting them off.
Look at your gig from buyers prospective: do you have enough work to showcase? Is it standing out? Are your packages clear enough?

You can also post a link to your gig here so we could have a look at it.


I highly applaud young entrepreneurship, and want to encourage it whenever possible. That said, many come into freelancing throwing themselves off the deep end without much foreknowledge. How much research have you done? How many other gigs that offer the same thing have you looked at? Do you have a plan?

Being young, you have a huge advantage in that, if you make mistakes, you have the time to make up for them. A big part of getting to where you want to be is knowing where that is in the first place.

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”

Second is researching how to get there, which can sometimes tie into the first part, as you will learn more about where the opportunities are as you look into things. Goal setting is critical, short-term and long-term.

You mention you’re in school, and I know that’s a bit of a mess right now, but don’t be afraid to ask the teachers or career counselors for advice. You’re trying something new, and you’re surrounded with teachers, who can be a wonderful source of helpful advice on a huge number of topics. (Even asking one for a quick proofread of your gig, once you’ve built it up more, might be fruitful, though make sure you’re only getting feedback and not actual corrections. If they do offer corrections, be sure you understand why. This is for your growth and long-term success.)

Your gigs need a LOT of work to be able to compete.

I’ll just wrap this up here. I’ve gathered a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section of this post, so feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Introduction– This is not a list on how to make gigs. This is for gigs that are already made that are under-performing, need an overhaul, or just need somewhere to start for self-evaluation/education. It does contain a few general-information bits, and can help during gig creation, but that is neither the focus nor the intent. For more information on any of the following sections or points, please see ‘Other Resources’ under (RRD) at the end of this post. Sections: (TCT) Title, Category, and…

Okay, there is one more thing I want to add, but keep in mind: I want to encourage you, not discourage.


Unfortunately no one can tell you how to get orders. It’s buyers deciding if they want to hire you or not.

If you have views and clicks but no one is buying that means that something putting them off.

Look at your gig from buyers prospective: do you have enough work to showcase? Is it standing out? Are your packages clear enough?

You can also post a link to your gig here so we could have a look at it.


Guest kaylaedits

I’m no expert at Fiverr but I suggest working on your gig covers you’re getting views and clicks which is good but in order to get sales you’re going to need to make your clients want to stay and the cover plays a huge part in that. Lower your prices a bit. I understand you’re trying to support your family but a buyer won’t want to buy from a new seller whose prices are super high. I suggest 5-10 dollars as a starting price and it will increase your chances of getting more sales. When you get bigger you can increase the price. Good luck. I know it can be hard trying to support your family and trying to focus on school work at only 15. Wishing you and your family the best. Hope I helped.


First of all your logo gig has a horrible quality of images. No one will order with that quality and everything being blurry.

I didn’t check your logos but I’m almost sure that I saw that Ivón from your Michels logo somewhere else.

Your info graphic might be trending right now as everyone want to know what impact will virus have on various areas. So you might use that gig and change it a bit to suit this trending topic to get sales.


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